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Coparent counseling is a method of helping moderate- and high-conflict divorced or separated parents improve their shared caretaking of their children. Because it is a relatively new modality, its practitioners face ambiguity and uncertainty in their efforts to practice ethically. In the present article, information and recommendations are provided regarding confidentiality, separate meetings with parents, interactions with attorneys and the court, meetings with the children, insurance billing, competence, and informed consent.  相似文献   
Changes globally mean that there are now record numbers of mothers in paid employment and a reported prevalence of involved fathering. This poses challenges to mothers and fathers as they negotiate care–work practices within their relationships. Focusing on interviews with three heterosexual couples (taken from a wider UK qualitative project on working parents), the paper considers care–work negotiations of three couples, against a backdrop of debates about intensive mothering and involved fathering. It aims to consider different configurations of work and care within three different couple relationships. We found that power within the relationships was negotiated along differential axis of gender and working status (full- or part-time paid work). We present qualitatively rich insights into these negotiations. Framed by a critical discursive psychological approach, we call on other researchers to think critically about dominant discourses and practices of working, caring and parenting, pointedly how couples situated around the world operationalise these discourses in talking about themselves as worker and carers.  相似文献   
群体性事件中的骨干力量、普通参与者和旁观者在群体性事件中的策略选择和心态往往会存在一定的差异。将小事闹大来实现维权的目的、借机敛财和对社会进行仇视是群体性事件骨干力量抱持的三种基本心态。普通参与者参与群体性事件的目的并不像骨干力量那样明确,从众和搭便车心理等往往是他们的心态。作为旁观者而存在的某些境外媒体抱持一种唯恐中国不乱、别有用心的心态。极少数不具有利害关系的普通民众以及没有参与群体性事件的一般利害关系人也会表现出一种兴灾乐祸的心态。既然中国当下群体性事件参与者的心态是多元化的,政府在群体性事件的解决过程应当充分考虑参与者的具体心态,建立一套以分类管理为核心的规则治理的应对策略。  相似文献   
随着大学生就业形势的日益严峻,农林院校大学生就业问题更是雪上加霜,农林院校毕业生由于就业问题的困扰,导致很多就业心理障碍的产生,已经影响到高校的安全和社会的稳定。首先阐述了农业院校毕业生就业心理障碍的典型表现,其次分析了导致这些心理障碍出现的诸如就业竞争激烈、家人期望太大、有效引导不足、缺乏自我调整等原因,最后提出了推进高校教学改革、加强就业形势教育、强化就业技能指导、培养学生创业意识、重视心理健康教育等措施以推进毕业生心理问题的消除。  相似文献   
积极心理学的兴起和哥本哈根社会心理问卷的出现,为积极应激这一较少得到实证研究的应激现象提供了理论视角和分析工具.通过对该问卷的重新分析,选取10家零售商业企业的383名员工为被试,验证了应激项目与健康状况因子、工作满意度因子之间的正相关关系,并归纳了积极应激的工作意义感、团队精神感、与领导关系、工作控制度、工作认可度、工作自由度这七个因子及其具体内容.这些积极应激条件的存在与甄别,为企业激发员工的积极应激状态、提高工作满意度提供了可操作化的途径.  相似文献   
New forms of youth social and political participation have been termed ‘Slacktivism’ – low-cost online forms of social engagement that decrease subsequent offline participation. Previous experimental work has provided support for a ‘Slacktivism effect,’ but it is unclear if this theoretical model applies to youth media sharing on social networking sites. This study uses a novel sharing simulation paradigm to test the effect of publicly vs. anonymously sharing a social cause video on subsequent willingness to engage in offline helping behavior. Results show that publicly (as compared to anonymously) sharing a selected video on one’s own Facebook wall led to a greater willingness to volunteer for an issue-related cause. Participants’ existing use of social media for engagement in social issues/causes moderated the effect, such that only participants low in use of social media for social engagement were susceptible to the sharing manipulation. Implications for reconceptualizing media sharing as a unique form of online participation beyond ‘Slacktivism’ are discussed.  相似文献   
That “there is no gathering of roses without risking the thorns” might be the simplest way to think of the paradox of relationship. Risk regulation as psychological mechanism minimizes rejection (thorns) and maximizes assurance (roses). In the article, the social psychology of risk regulation is set in the context of divorce and high-conflict parenting. Risk regulation provides not only guidance for treatment, but also a conceptual framework for professional opinion in forensic evaluation and legal consideration.  相似文献   
目前,网络心理研究的数据收集手段主要依赖于问卷调查法。在针对此种方法所存在的弊端进行深入讨论的基础上,提出了从基于被试主观评价转变为基于客观网络行为数据的全新研究思路,并阐明了由此可能带来的诸如保障数据可靠性等方面的改进与优势。文章最后探讨了计算机科学中行为分析技术在未来网络心理研究中的可行性与价值性。  相似文献   
文章通过对多种社会心理学教材的研究,认为社会心理学的基本知识应包括个体社会心理(社会化、自我意识、社会认知、社会动机、社会态度),人际互动(人际沟通、人际关系、合作与竞争、侵犯与利他),社会影响(社会助长、社会惰化、从众与服从)和群体心理(群体规范、群体压力、群体凝聚力、群体首领、群体决策、群体人格)四个方面;认为必须研究和发现这些知识之间的内在联系,从而构建严密的体系;主张以社会化作为社会心理学的逻辑起点。  相似文献   
抑郁性心理的病因不明。发病机制与5-羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素及单胺氧化酶密切相关。临床表现主要为情感低落、抑郁悲观、意志减退、思维迟缓、联想缓慢、反应迟钝、睡眠障碍、食欲减退、体重下降。治疗主要是心理及药物治疗。药物是三环类和四环类抗抑郁药、选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂及和去甲肾上腺素及5-羟色胺双重摄取抑制剂等。  相似文献   
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