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While scholars of Russian orientalism have diverged somewhat in their interpretation of Aleksandr Griboedov, they have in the main viewed him as a supporter of Russian expansion and seen in his works a justification of Russia’s conquests in the East. This essay seeks to complicate that view. By taking a comprehensive look at Griboedov’s Eastern-themed works (including his poems “There, Where Flows the Alazani”, “Kal'ianchi”, and “Predators on the Chegem”, the play Georgian Night and a series of editorials, letters, and travel notes written from the Caucasus and Persia) and situating them in the context of contemporary literary and political debates, the author argues that Griboedov undercuts rather than supports the orientalist conception of the East’s alterity. By portraying “Eastern” ways as possibilities latent within all humans and by pointing out the Russian past in the Persian present, Griboedov is able to question Russia’s role in the Caucasus and to explore the costs of Russia’s progress towards European-style civilization.  相似文献   
长期以来,人们习惯于把对立统一看成是列宁帝国主义理论的核心,从而顺理成章地指出帝国主义国家之间的矛盾必然导致战争的爆发.传统模式的解读不仅忽略了列宁帝国主义理论深层构架的否定之否定辩证法,而且也没看到该理论形成过程本身所蕴含的否定之否定发展脉络.列宁帝国主义理论以“生产集中”这个“自在之物”为逻辑出发点,遵从了资本主义“自我运动”的始点:“生产集中”——“自我运动”发展的第一个否定:垄断资本主义对自由竞争的否定——“自我运动”的第二个否定:社会主义对垄断的否定的辩证法大框架,试图探求社会发展的规律,找到社会主义革命和无产阶级的出路和未来.不仅如此,在帝国主义理论的形成过程中,列宁自身思想的变化:对经典马克思主义自由资本主义和哲学唯物主义的坚信——对第二国际马克思主义经济决定论和哲学唯物主义的质疑——对经典马克思主义的超越——帝国主义理论的形成,也淋漓尽致地彰显了否定之否定规律.  相似文献   

Travelogues are partly based on what is witnessed, observed and noted about the places and people visited and what is already known in advance, mainly from an existing archive. The archive, therefore, is an important element in travel writing. However, an author cannot avoid responsibility for what she/he notes/writes/composes about a place and its people. In a sense, a biography of a place may represent a writer's struggles to compromise between the material in the archive – such as existing books on the subject of his/her writing – and what she/he actually observed/observes. The veracity of the writer's narrative/story is dependent on the logic of the evidence that he/she adduces. The weight of the archived narrative, however, can burden the writer in which case he/she would need to limit its influence in order to tell a ‘believable’ story. Shiva Naipaul's extensive reliance on the existing pre- and colonial-time archive of writing on Africa seriously undermines his representation of life in postcolonial East Africa. The result is a travelogue filled with a great sense of personal disappointment with the political, cultural, economic and social conditions in postcolonial Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia – the countries that he visits. Shiva seems to unwittingly translate this sense of deep disappointment into a ‘demonisation’ of Eastern Africa. Whilst acknowledging that there is a difference – and an important one – between a text and the world that it seeks to represent, the key proposition in this paper is that Naipaul's biography does not offer any redemptive characterisation of both the African space and the people that he writes about precisely because it summons a biased archive as evidence for its own claims.  相似文献   
从19世纪末开始到第一次世界大战前夕,是马克思主义的资本主义批判理论由经典形态向现代形态理论过渡的时期。在这一时期,第二国际理论界异常活跃、创见迭出,最后形成了分别以鲁道夫.希法亭、罗莎.卢森堡和卡尔.考茨基为代表的现代资本主义理论。后来以列宁为代表的马克思主义经典帝国主义理论,正是在基本继承希法亭、部分借鉴卢森堡、全盘否定考茨基的基础上完成的。从当代视角重新审视第二国际理论家研究成果的是非得失,对于我们全面认识列宁经典帝国主义理论的历史功绩和历史局限,更加准确地把握当代资本主义的本质和规律,有着十分重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
E .M .福斯特的小说《印度之行》反映了一个客观现实 ,即旷久的民族壁垒问题。作者明确无误地驳斥了殖民帝国主义所谓的“东方主义”的殖民意识 ,展现了被殖民地人民反帝反殖民侵略的具体行为 ,同时也呈现了在殖民和被殖民问题上自身分裂的双重心理。  相似文献   
列宁科学的揭示了帝国主义存在停滞腐朽与发展或迅速发展的可能性两种趋势。两种趋势相互作用的结果最终加剧各方面发展的不平衡和矛盾,从而推动从资本主义社会结构向新的社会生产方式的过渡。当代资本主义具有促进社会历史发展的积极作用的一面。但是,由于其本质没有改变,这就决定了他们必然保持着寄生、腐朽、侵略、掠夺本性的一面,最终改变不了向新的、更高级的社会生产方式的过渡。但当代资本主义灭亡的规律是通过一种特殊的方式实现的。  相似文献   
后殖民主义的兴起,主要是由于第二次世界大战后东西方关系变幻莫测,具有东方血统和生活经历的知识分子进入西方学术界,冷战结束后民族主义重新崛起,以及经济全球化时代发展中国家对民族文化独立性的追寻.后殖民主义借用的思想资源主要是非洲的殖民主义批评话语,马克思主义的帝国主义理论,葛兰西的文化霸权思想和福柯的权力话语理论.就其基本特征来说,后殖民主义从文本解读入手,着重分析东西方间的文化关系,并表现出超越民族主义的努力.  相似文献   
文章运用后殖民理论对托尼·莫里森的处女作《最蓝的眼睛》进行剖析。认为该文以一个黑人少女的精神崩溃和另两位黑人少女的幸存为对比,解密了美国国内帝国主义和白人文化霸权的实施过程及其对黑人心灵的戕害,力图唤醒非裔美国人的自我意识和形成对白人文化糟粕的抵抗,以此走出白人逻各斯中心主义的藩篱,建构积极坚定的黑人文化身份。  相似文献   
文化帝国主义理论是后殖民批评的主要话语之一,有其产生和发展的特定的历史背景.因此,文章考察了文化帝国主义的实践特征和理论特征,揭示了文化帝国主义理论的实质,分析了文化帝国主义理论自身存在的诸多矛盾和问题,对文化帝国主义理论做出客观评价.  相似文献   
20 世纪80 年代末90 年代初,国外学者开始从文化或文明角度研究全球化,形成了一个新的理论空间———文化全球化研究。其中,罗伯逊、沃勒斯坦、福山、亨廷顿、汤姆林森等学者形成了自己的研究特色,成为这个领域的代表人物。文化全球化研究是一种重要的全球化理论研究模式。  相似文献   
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