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One of the widely accepted consequences of globalization is the development of individual outlooks, behaviours and feelings that transcend local and national boundaries. This has encouraged a re-assessment of important assumptions about the nature of community, personal attachment and belonging in the face of unprecedented opportunities for culture, identities and politics to shape, and be shaped by, global events and processes. Recently, the upsurge of interest in the concept of cosmopolitanism has provided a promising new framework for understanding the nexus between cosmopolitan dispositions and global interconnectedness across cultural, political and economic realms. Using data from a representative social survey of Australians this paper investigates the negotiation of belonging under the conditions of globalization. The data tap into attitudes and behaviours associated with a broad gamut of cosmopolitan traits in the domains of culture, consumption, human rights, citizenship, and international governance. They show how cosmopolitan outlooks are shaped by social structural factors, and how forms of identification with humanity and the globe are fractured by boundaries of self and others, threats and opportunities, and the value of things global and local.  相似文献   
The paper first investigates the main drivers of economic growth and real convergence in CEE and SEE Countries. In the theoretical framework provided by the growth-accounting approach, both are shown to be driven by capital accumulation and total factor productivity changes, with the latter making however a major contribution. The nominal convergence path towards the Eurozone is then analysed. Despite considerable results obtained in the last decade, most EU new members are still found to face severe challenges in the process of converging towards Maastricht criteria. The need to reconcile exchange rate stability with inflation convergence is in particular seen to be at the heart of their de facto decision to delay the EMU entry date until a higher degree of real convergence will have been achieved.
Antonio PesceEmail:
论婚姻在法学上的概念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为婚姻法调整对象、婚姻法学研究对象的“婚姻”,必须有一个明确的法学概念。婚姻的法学概念应当与民法学中的民事行为概念相对应,并能在婚姻法学体系中始终如一。它应涵盖以下三层含义:以男女两性结合为基础;以共同生活为目的;具有夫妻身份的公示性。它应包括各种合法婚姻和违法婚姻,能将其与婚前性行为、纳妾、姘居、非婚同居等现象区分开来,而应避免和结婚、婚姻关系等法学概念混为一谈。  相似文献   
当代通俗音乐的社会文化内涵解读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前的通俗音乐是新时期流行文化中最活跃的一种,是以高科技的大众传媒为依托,以人才、智力和创造力为主要特征,以都市大众为消费对象,按照市场规则批量生产,集中满足人们感性娱乐的文化形态,其文化内涵也大多是非主流的,造成了新的文化矛盾和冲突.在市场规则和经济效益占据主导地位的今天,如何历史地看待审美标准,平衡地对待通俗音乐带来的精神与物质导致新的人性冲突和裂变,却是值得我们思考的.  相似文献   
一个经济体在开放条件下,其技术进步水平不仅受其本身创新能力水平的影响,还受其他经济体创新能力的影响,因此,研究一个经济体在开放条件下,科研投入水平对技术进步进而对其经济增长的影响是有必要的。构建中间产品种类扩张型的内生技术进步模型可以研究开放经济条件下,基础研究和应用研究以及技术外溢影响经济增长的内在机理。对模型的竞争性市场均衡分析的基本结论是加大研究投入、增加应用研究投入的比例以及增加经济开放程度有利于长期经济增长。进一步的实证检验利用1990—2012年间中国的经济数据,考察研究投入、应用研究的比例以及开放程度对经济增长的影响,实证结果进一步验证了模型构建的合理性。在理论模型和实证结果的基础上,提出了相应的经济政策建议。  相似文献   
文章基于2004-2013年中国31个省市的面板数据,采用动态面板模型和差分GMM估计方法,分别选取化学需氧量排放和氨氮排放作为水环境污染的有机污染物和无机污染物的排放指标,对贸易开放的结构效应引致的中国水环境污染排放进行了实证研究.研究结果表明,经济增长的规模和技术效应是影响水环境污染排放的主要因素,直接结构效应对中国水污染排放的影响不显著,贸易开放的结构效应也在一定程度上加剧了中国水环境污染的排放.通过引入贸易开放的相关交叉项进一步对决定贸易结构效应的比较优势来源进行识别,结果发现,对于中国水环境污染排放并不存在所谓的“污染天堂效应”和“要素禀赋效应”.贸易的结构效应会导致西部经济欠发达地区的水污染排放降低,而对中东部经济相对发达地区,贸易的结构效应会引致其水污染排放量的增大和排放强度的加剧.  相似文献   
我国提出“司法公开”的口号已有很多年了,国内外关于司法公开问题的研究也比比皆是,已经达到了相对成熟的程度。然而,就关于法院案卷的副卷公开问题,研究者却是少之又少。副卷制度的存在,在给司法活动提供便利的同时,也引发了诸多问题。诱发了法院通过上下级领导请示“暗箱”操纵审判结果,或其它机关不当干预司法等现象,破坏司法公正和权威。而副卷制度的存在,形成了巨大“保护伞”,并将这些行为彻底地掩盖起来。因此,副卷制度所衍生出的问题亟需人们深刻反思。随着我国“司法公开”的不断推进,及时发现副卷制度的弊病,并对其进行合理的改造,有助于确保司法真正地在阳光下运行,提升司法运行的社会效果。  相似文献   
This study used content analysis to examine the relationships among Chinese officials' openness strategies at news conferences, foreign reporters' aggressiveness, and the valence of foreign media coverage of the Chinese government. Controlling for the time period and political sensitivity of the topics of news conferences, this study found that the foreign reporters' personal evaluations of Chinese officials were negatively associated with the media coverage valence and that Chinese officials' openness strategies were positively correlated with the media coverage valence and moderated the negative association between reporters' evaluations of officials and media coverage valence. Methodological implications are also discussed.  相似文献   
针对我国已进入完善市场经济体制攻坚阶段的特点,从找准立足点、抓住着力点、凝聚拉动力三个方面深入论述了我国应该如何推进经济体制转型。详细阐述了推进经济体制转型的立足点是营造活力企业;着力点是正确处理政府与市场的关系;拉动力是“开放、改革、管理”三驾马车。拉动经济体制转型的“三驾马车”是相互联系、相互影响、因果循环的,其重要程度和作用是动态变化的。用好“三驾马车”,重在聚合“开放、改革、管理”的拉动力,并形成强大合力。  相似文献   
论我国行政公开制度的发展与完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段,我国正处于建设社会主义法治社会、构建社会主义和谐社会的关键时期,行政公开制度作为衡量一国民主法治建设的重要标志,已成为我国学术界各个领域学者竞相研究的热点。文章从法学角度对行政公开的概念进行了科学地界定,较为全面地阐述了行政公开的内涵,并从我国行政公开理论研究的程度以及立法和实践两个方面肯定了这些年来所取得的成果,指出了其存在的不足,提出了完善的具体设想。  相似文献   
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