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文章基于陕西省白水县的农村反贫困实践探索,从发展性社会工作视角探讨经济赋能与社区融合干预对于残疾人脱贫发展的意义。 这一反贫困实践案例显示,贫困者的生计发展嵌入在其家庭及社区的关系性脉络中,依托于残疾人互助合作社的社区融合介入,有助于残疾人的经济与社会的双重赋能,提升残疾人生计发展的内生动力。 同时,本地社会组织在残疾人反贫困中发挥关键作用,社会组织的能动性发展促进了多主体合作参与的贫困治理,也带动了社会工作专业理念和方法在反贫困实践中的运用。  相似文献   
志愿服务乡村是社会参与人才振兴战略的重要方式,大学生在其中承担着重要角色。“乡愁文化”和“社会理性”是大学生志愿服务乡村缘由所在;性别、年级、学校类型、了解程度和志愿组织对大学生志愿服务乡村有显著影响。大学生志愿服务的着力点在于智力支持且具有文教活动倾向性,但也存在意愿与行动脱节、认知流于表面、能动性不强、缺乏思想引领以及对小微志愿组织的支持缺位等问题。乡愁文化嵌入大学文化、引入激励机制、打造志愿组织“大家庭”、牢守宣传育人“主阵地”、强化智力支持优势、补齐理论技能短板、关爱“小微组织”成长、构建“三位一体”支撑体系等可有效优化大学生志愿服务乡村。  相似文献   
The paper provides a method for generating epoch estimates for time series survey data, allowing for different periods of time (or even point estimates) according to user demand. The method uses a modified kriging estimator, which suppresses the contribution of sampling error variability in order to guarantee that custom epoch estimates have an interpolation property. For the veteran population variable of the American Community Survey, we utilize a simple Brownian Motion model of the population process and derive the modified kriging estimator for this case. The tuning parameters of this population model can be calibrated to the data via simple formulas. We illustrate the application of this method to the generation of point estimates of veteran population, an important objective for Veterans Affairs.  相似文献   
每当先进的发展制度开始取代落后的发展制度时,整个世界格局就会进入重大的转换阶段。在中国五千年的发展历史中,有两次重大的历史变局完全改变了中国历史发展轨迹并深远地影响了当前中国的发展模式。新时代下的中国作为前两次历史变局影响的客体,曾经既是先进发展制度取代落后发展制度的受益者,也经历过作为落后发展制度主体而被先进发展制度冲击的过程。目前世界正处于第三次先进发展制度与落后发展制度交替的历史变局阶段,作为第三次重大历史变局的主体,在三次千年历史变局叠加的背景下,能否有效地认识、适应并改造利用前两次历史变局的经验与教训,构建系统性、科学性、可行性、领先性的中国特色社会主义制度,将决定中国在本次历史变局中能否顺利成为先进发展制度的主体从而实现民族复兴。  相似文献   
The Coalition for a Healthier Community (CHC) initiative was implemented to improve the health and well-being of women and girls. Underpinning CHC is a gender-based focus that uses a network of community partners working collaboratively to generate relevant behavior change and improved health outcomes. Ten programs are trying to determine whether gender-focused system approaches are cost-effective ways to address health disparities in women and girls. Programs implemented through coalitions made up of academic institutions, public health departments, community-based organizations, and local, regional, and national organizations, are addressing health issues such as domestic violence, cardiovascular disease prevention, physical activity, and healthy eating. Although these programs are ongoing, they have made significant progress. Key factors contributing to their early success include a comprehensive needs assessment, robust coalitions, the diversity of populations targeted, programs based on findings of the needs assessments, evaluations taking into consideration the effect of gender, and strong academic–community partnerships. A noteworthy impact of these programs has been their ability to shape and impact public, social, and health policies at the state and local levels. However, there have been challenges associated with the implementation of such a complex program. Lessons learned are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
死者无人格权,但死者具有人格利益。为了维护社会利益和善良风俗,我国法学界和司法实务界对死者人格利益保护也达成了共识。完善死者人格利益应在保护范围、行使主体、法律责任、免责事由及保护期限等方面给予立法规制。  相似文献   
袁了凡(袁黄)以其《了凡四训》闻名于世,该书亦被当作训子家书。其实,了凡所作家训并非《了凡四训》,而是《训儿俗说》。作为王龙溪(王畿)的及门弟子,了凡在思想上是阳明后学的一分子,其人生轨迹属于典型的儒家士大夫,其日常修持及著述呈现三教汇通的思想特色。了凡家风淳朴,家学深厚,以儒为宗,兼收并蓄,强调道德主义,注重积德行善,具有出世情怀,对其人格产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

Educational institutions are an important setting where psychological, pedagogical, sociocultural, and language adaptation of immigrant children occurs. A number of teaching strategies, practices, approaches, and methods have been described in the literature. In the Russian context, such strategies have been called ‘technologies’. The purpose of the present exploratory study was to describe teaching technologies used by teachers in Russia when working with immigrant students in elementary schools. Responses of forty-five elementary school teachers to open-ended questions describing technologies they use when teaching children with migration backgrounds were analyzed using content analysis. Findings suggest that Russian elementary school teachers used ethno-cultural group, communicative technologies, games, individualized instruction, and differentiated teaching. Many approaches mentioned can be used inclusively with groups of immigrant and non-immigrant students. Importantly, while teachers supplemented classroom instruction with additional Russian language lessons, none mentioned specific techniques for teaching Russian as a non-native language. These findings are discussed in relation to teaching strategies described in the international literature focused on migrant students. Finally, implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   
民族互嵌社区是中华民族多元一体格局空间场域延展的实践形态,是对“各民族相互嵌入式的社会结构和社区环境”这一时代命题的现实阐释。现代城市社区功能的集聚和细化为民族互嵌的再造及重释提供了场域空间,由于民族互嵌社区具有公共性、聚合性和互动性的本质特征,从而形成了立体化嵌套结构,催生出精准互嵌理论和实践的“双重愿景”:理论层面,要深刻把握民族互嵌社区精准治理的目标向度、方法向度、内容向度;实践层面,要精准识别民族互嵌社区的场域情境,以智能技术描绘民族互嵌过程的“全景图”和“晴雨表”,通过社区制度体系的精准供给,提升民族互嵌社区精准治理的效能。  相似文献   
先秦法家在与儒家“礼治”的争论中提出“法治”思想,并与战国时期富国强兵的国家策略结合,变法图存的“法治”实践此起彼伏。其中最为成功的是秦国的商鞅变法,秦国由此迅速崛起并最终吞并六国,建立起统一的封建国家。秦帝国的建立是“法治”思想和实践的里程碑,大秦将集权专制和“法治”相互糅合,将法家重刑思想发展到极端,走向了崇尚暴力和滥刑滥杀的野蛮恐怖境地,导致天下怨叛,秦王朝二世而亡,君权至上最终将法治引向了集权专制的死胡同。  相似文献   
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