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山东地方官对大刀会、拳会的宽容的政策与态度由来已久,早在甲午中日战争期间,官军就与大刀会形成默契,在共同缉捕盗匪方面取得显著成效,直至义和团在中外联合势力的绞杀下失败,在此期间,大刀会、拳会等名目的民间团体组织与官府的关系就处在一种半合作半破裂的游离状态,即这种宽容政策具有一定的延续性。就义和团运动而言,大刀会等民间会社势力仅仅是为义和团运动构筑的可能性力量而已,程度很高,却极不稳定,它们有待于官方的开掘、引导与锤炼及外力催逼,即官方对刀会、拳会的宽容态度与政策,以及西方列强、教会势力的威逼现实这两种因素,而前者更为重要。  相似文献   
This exploratory case study investigated Yemeni civil society actors’ actual and potential contribution to policy‐making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, in the sectors prioritized in Yemen's national development strategy. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted in Sana'a between January and July 2015 with policy‐makers, researchers from academic institutions and civil society organizations. More specifically, this article discusses the role that YPRIs play in the public policy landscape of Yemen; the challenges they face in their interaction with policy‐makers; the opportunities they represent for policy actors in Yemen; and the factors enabling and limiting their influence, communication, inclusiveness and capacity. The authors conclude by contextualizing their findings within the ongoing conflict and drawing lessons for post‐war policy‐making in Yemen.  相似文献   
Scholars have theorized that public relations contributes to societies and communities by bringing attention to pressing public issues and fostering social capital in civil society networks. However, the extant research has studied civil society networks of NGOs, donors, and the media in transitional countries. This study extends the public relations model of civil society in two ways. First, it broadens the scope to an international context. Second, it draws from the multi-stakeholder issue network perspective to conceptualize a civil society network as a space where stakeholders of an issue mix their interests as they collectively address a pressing public issue. The literature on international and multi-stakeholder networks suggest that the international scope and the mixing of interests across sectors may restrict the production of social capital. The results from the social network analysis suggests that the mixing of interests across sectoral and geopolitical boundaries did not restrict the production of social capital. Rather, the patterns of the relationships among those on the core and those on the periphery of the network restricted the production of social capital. Such finding demonstrates how public relations’ functions like relationship building can have profound influences on social capital and civil society networks. The implications for public relations theorizing and research are discussed.  相似文献   
《泰王国民商法典》是在近代泰国法制改革的大背景下产生的,有着复杂的社会历史背景。曼谷王朝拉玛四世以前,泰国历经素可泰王朝、大城王朝和曼谷王朝的一部分,朝代更迭,历时漫长但在法制上却保持了相对稳定。1851年,曼谷王朝四世王拉玛四世(1851-1868)登基,拉开了泰国近代史的序幕。1852年1月,英国在第二次英缅战争之后,占领了缅甸,并觊觎泰国。1855年,英国派其驻香港的总督鲍林率使团到泰国与拉玛四世谈判,威逼泰国于1855年4月18日签订了《英暹条约》(史称《鲍林条约》)。这一个不平等条约彻底打开了泰国闭关自守的大门,欧洲列强以该条约为蓝本,威逼泰国签订了类似条约。泰国自此成为一个半殖民地国家,其法制也逐步西化,泰国的法制也这一时期完成了从古代法制向现代法制的转型。事实上,泰国法制现代化的过程,就是一个从理论到制度逐步西化的过程。《泰王国民商法典》就是在这样一个大的背景下产生的。  相似文献   
明镇远侯顾成以武官身份镇守贵州而建立功勋,其墓葬后世称“武墓”;罗汝芳是阳明后学的代表性人物,其墓葬后世则称“文墓”。传二墓均立于安顺九溪村河畔。已有研究表明,“武墓”确为顾成长子顾统与其妻俞氏合圹,《顾夫人俞氏圹志》厘清了该墓茔之讹传数百年的谬误;“文墓”虽疑窦重重,为考古研究带来了许多疑云,却增加了对罗汝芳晚年生活际遇、思想由激进转为隐逸突变的深思,且从罗汝芳的“韦氏之识”“伤子之痛”和“隐居之谜”事件分析,其隐逸并葬于安顺九溪之说极为可能。  相似文献   
This paper responds to recent calls to bridge strategy and organization research by combining Strategy-as-Practice and Neo-Institutional Theory through re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor. We problematize the notion of strategic actor at the field level, and rely on insights from management and organization studies and sociology to advance a theoretical framework that conceptualizes organizations as social actors at the field level. We demonstrate our theoretical framework by drawing on corporate social responsibility rating agencies. We see corporate social responsibility rating agencies as supra-individual, social actors that are predisposed to assume an active role in defining and revisiting structural parameters within the society through their purposeful, meaningful actions and interactions. Our main contribution is to the development of the Strategy-as-Practice literature, achieved by re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor at the field level. This contribution responds to the micro-isolationism critique, and proposes a new focus for Strategy-as Practice research.  相似文献   
This article presents an asset‐level security risk management framework to assist stakeholders of critical assets with allocating limited budgets for enhancing their safety and security against terrorist attack. The proposed framework models the security system of an asset, considers various threat scenarios, and models the sequential decision framework of attackers during the attack. Its novel contributions are the introduction of the notion of partial neutralization of attackers by defenders, estimation of total loss from successful, partially successful, and unsuccessful actions of attackers at various stages of an attack, and inclusion of the effects of these losses on the choices made by terrorists at various stages of the attack. The application of the proposed method is demonstrated in an example dealing with security risk management of a U.S. commercial airport, in which a set of plausible threat scenarios and risk mitigation options are considered. It is found that a combination of providing blast‐resistant cargo containers and a video surveillance system on the airport perimeter fence is the best option based on minimum expected life‐cycle cost considering a 10‐year service period.  相似文献   
The workforce is rapidly aging. Already at record highs, labor force participation rates of both over-55 and over-65 age segments are expected to nearly double in the immediate future. The current chapter describes how these sweeping demographic changes necessitate both the unprecedented utilization of older workers and intergenerational collaboration, but also present the danger of heightened generational tension. We describe the specific risk factors for such tensions, highlighting the presence of generational boundaries at multiple levels: (a) individual, (b) interpersonal, (c) institutional, and (d) international. Drawing from our own work and relevant management literature, we then identify three broad domains within which intergenerational tensions are particularly salient at each of these levels: active Succession tensions over enviable resources and influence (e.g., employment), passive Consumption tensions over shared asset usage (e.g., healthcare) and symbolic Identity tensions over figurative space (e.g., cultural fit) (SCI). We conclude with suggestions for potential interventions, and major open areas for future organizational research, both of which should focus on how to maximize the utility of unprecedented intergenerational collaboration.  相似文献   
社会公益组织作为传播正能量的社会团体,是政府与社会组织的公益性的连结点。政府需要公益组织连接社会成员需求,获得社会认可;公益组织也希望得到政府的鼓励,获得公益影响。政府与公益组织良性互动的原因在于政府权威与社会自由之间的平衡。通过研究河南省J志愿者协会的发展现状,阐释了政府与公益组织良性发展的原因是政府职能边界的模糊性、公益组织的目标与政府具有一致性和公益组织必须适应环境的要求。  相似文献   
东京的“励志会”“亡国纪念会”“青年会”“军国民教育会”,杭州的“兴浙会”“浙会”“浙学会”和上海的“中国教育会”“爱国学社”等进步团体均是光复会的来源。陶成章与龚宝铨受东京浙学会和军国民教育会的派遣,前往上海创建了光复会。光复会初建时,考虑到应由一个德高望重的人出任会长,于是有着清朝翰林头衔又倡导反清革命的蔡元培被推为首任光复会会长。光复会创建伊始,即将反清作为革命目标。  相似文献   
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