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The current study used a sequential, exploratory mixed-method design to explore how a social work study scholarship implemented in Aotearoa New Zealand impacted on recipients’ qualification completion and their professional and practice competence. Phase one involved 13 individual interviews with past award recipients which described how the study award impacted on their qualification completion. Thematic analysis was used to extract themes. These themes were examined in the second phase through a quantitative battery completed by 107 past recipients to examine their professional and practice competence. The findings from interviews showed the award enabled recipients to complete their studies and improve their social work practice without causing undue stress or financial pressure on the recipient and their family. Quantitative analysis corroborated and extended these findings to demonstrate that the award contributed to lifting the level of social work knowledge, competence, and skills in the recipients. Accompanying the successful qualification completion, these qualified social workers were equipped with essential skills, promoting social work values and competence to contribute and safeguard the benefit of children, families, and communities. The awards offered a ‘wrap around’ support and was not limited by age or ethnicity but provided a support system to achieve qualification completion.  相似文献   
制造业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,但也是环境污染物排放的主要来源、能源消耗主体和温室气体排放大户。制造系统高能耗、高物耗、高碳排放的加工过程是造成制造业碳排放量大的重要原因。生产单元作为制造系统的加工的主体,其碳排放量的核算是确定整个制造系统乃至制造业碳排放总量的关键。本文首先对生产单元的原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理所引起的碳排放进行分析,确定生产单元的碳排放源;其次,产品合格率的不同会造成生产单元输入及输出的成品/半成品数量的差异,进而影响生产单元单位产品的碳排放量,在此基础上,综合考虑了原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理的碳排放情况,构建了给定工艺流程下生产单元碳排放核算模型。最后,结合一汽车排气装置加工实例,分别核算加工过程中九个生产单元的碳排放量,验证了模型的可行性。  相似文献   
本文构建了一个基于双边减排成本信息不对称的排污权二级交易市场拍卖模型,分析了统一价格、歧视价格及混合拍卖机制下卖方收益、排污权价格波动及排污权供给量差异,在此基础上给出了排污权二级交易市场最优拍卖机制,并进一步讨论了相关参数对最优拍卖机制的影响。结果表明:从收益最大化角度来看,最优的拍卖机制为歧视价格拍卖机制,但考虑到价格波动及排污权供给量等其他因素,排污权二级市场交易应选用混合拍卖机制。风险偏好变化对混合拍卖机制下卖方收益及价格波动的影响存在不确定性,当风险偏好超过某一阈值时,随着风险偏好程度增大,需求隐蔽效应占主导,收益及价格波动增大;相反,当风险偏好小于某一阈值时,随着风险偏好程度增大,竞争效应占主导,收益及价格波动减小。价格变动的供给影响系数对卖方收益的影响随买方参与人数的不同而不同。当买方参与人数较小时,需求隐蔽效应占主导,竞争效应不明显,随着价格变动的供给影响系数增大,混合拍卖机制下卖方的收益不断增加;当买方参与人数较大时,卖方收益同时受到需求隐蔽和竞争效应影响,随着价格变动的供给影响系数增大,收益呈先增大后减小趋势。随着价格变动的供给影响系数增大,价格波动呈先增大后减小趋势。  相似文献   
在对京津冀1981年以来节能减排政策措施进行量化处理的基础上,建立针对节能减排政策措施有效性的计量模型,分析了京津冀节能减排政策措施的演变状况,并探究京津冀节能减排政策措施对其节能减排效果影响的差异性.研究结果表明:京津冀节能减排政策颁布经历了早期各年份相对零散、缺乏连续性到新世纪以来政策颁布数量显著增多、政策总体力度逐渐增大的过程,但三地政策总效力的增加主要是由于节能减排政策颁布数量增多引起的;京津冀三地在政策的制定过程中更多的是趋于实现短期目标,政策整体缺乏系统性和权威性;人事措施、行政措施、引导措施、财税措施、金融措施等不同节能减排政策措施对京津冀节能和减排的有效性具有明显的差异;三地对不同政策措施的使用方式、使用程度方面存在明显的差异,这对京津冀协同推进节能减排的治理工作提出挑战.论文还从京津冀完善单一节能减排政策措施的使用、加强市场手段的应用及京津冀区域协同治理等方面提出了相应政策建议.  相似文献   
Based on data received from pension supervisory authorities, the article reviews 85 different pension schemes in 44 jurisdictions by looking at fees and charges as well as their legal ceilings and their development since 2014. A key finding is the observed decrease in fees and caps. The article presents jurisdictions according to clusters, i.e. by groups of countries with identical or very similar items already covered by pension fees, and analyses the extent to which various cost and fee elements are covered by fees charged to members. Finally, we calculate charge ratios for each cluster to quantify the impact of fees and charges on pension savings. Occupational defined contribution pension schemes and personal plans linked to employment tend to be much more cost effective than personal schemes that have no direct employment link.  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to analyse the performance of Ecuador’s pension system and the challenges it will face in the future. Over the last 13 years, the pension system has made significant advances in terms of coverage and adequacy. However, demographic ageing is straining the financial sustainability of the contributory scheme. In this context, a number of public policy areas are identified, in terms of parameters and structures, which, together with the expansion of non-contributory coverage, could provide a more equitable and sustainable scheme.  相似文献   
China’s pension reform during the past three decades has allowed a majority of China’s population to be covered by a pension scheme. Of particular note has been the New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS), a voluntary programme introduced starting in 2009. One goal of our analysis is to assess that pension scheme, using a variety of sources of information including data drawn from recent (2013 and 2015) nationwide China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Surveys (CHARLS). Our analysis involves an exploration of differences between the generosity and structure of the NRPS and other pension schemes currently in place. We also explore the feasibility of reforming the current “quasi-social pension” component of the NRPS by substituting a universal non-contributory social pension pillar. In connection with our assessment of the NRPS, we note the unusually low benefit levels for rural China.  相似文献   
As environment constraints on economic growth are strengthening, Carbon Emissions Abatement (CEA) allocation becomes a significant issue that draws academia׳s attention. In the literature, the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique has been applied to obtain CEA allocation with centralized models. Nevertheless, a centralized allocation plan suffers from an implementation difficulty in persuading decision-making units (DMUs) into an agreement. In this paper, we propose a new two-step method to mitigate this side effect. In the first step, we provide improved DEA-based centralized allocation models under the assumptions of constant returns-to-scale (CRS) and variable returns-to-scale (VRS) respectively and in the second step, two compensation schemes are developed for centralized allocation plans. An empirical application to the countries in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is presented to elaborate the main idea.  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,物流领域出现了专业人才匮乏的现象。在社会对物流人才需求旺盛的情况下,很多高等院校相继开设了物流管理专业,以期通过大量培养物流管理专业的人才来满足相关企业的需求。但是在实践中,很多物流管理专业的学生在实习工作中缺少应变能力,实践能力弱,不能达到物流企业的用人标准。对目前高等院校物流管理专业实习实训方案进行了分析探讨,以期设计出一个相对完善、创新的物流管理专业实习实训方案,促进物流管理人才的培养,有效满足当前物流管理人才供不应求的紧张局面,促进我国整个物流领域更好更快地发展。  相似文献   
陆贾是对岭南的文明开发卓有贡献的历史人物,两千年前留在岭南最重要的史迹遗址,是位于广州荔湾区西村的"泥城"。一处人文遗迹会给我们带来怎样的历史思考与未来取向?纪念性价值、社会性价值、教育性价值,是一切人文史迹共有的特征,"泥城"当然也不例外。以体现人物精神思想为中心,以人文史迹及其环境为物质载体,构建供人们瞻仰、缅怀、发思古之幽情,供人们休憩、审美、抚今追昔而探索更美好将来的公共园林,可是对古人、今人、未来者皆为美事的举措。  相似文献   
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