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I call for a globally informed sociology of comparative placemaking that integrates historical and contemporary processes and includes the ephemeral, institutional, and personal. By placemaking, I am referring to the explicit or tacit cooperation among people to create, maintain, and give meaning to places in space through bodily occupation given differential resources and constraints. I review select place, space, and community-based literature about urban, Black, migrant, LGBTQ, and international populations to think about how we can build upon and integrate multiple theoretical, methodological, and epistemological insights to form an explicit placemaking research agenda. A US focus on neighborhoods contrasts with a comparative examination of global urban networks, social polarization, and transformation of the built environment in the interdisciplinary field of global urban studies (Ren, 2018). I argue for a placemaking research agenda that bridges insight from US Urban Sociology with Global Urban Studies to consider how various structures and actors constrain and facilitate place projects. With a globally reaching and comparatively informed sociology of placemaking, we can illuminate our multi-structured story of place and agency in context. We can answer questions about how and why we co-create and are simultaneously disciplined by the process of creation.  相似文献   
Research on early-life mortality in contemporary and historical populations has shown that infant and child mortality tend to cluster in a limited number of high-mortality families, a phenomenon known as ‘mortality clustering’. This paper is the first to review the literature on the role of the family in early-life mortality. Contemporary results, methodological and theoretical shortfalls, recent developments, and opportunities for future research are all discussed in this review. Four methodological approaches are distinguished: those based on sibling deaths, mother heterogeneity, thresholds, and excess deaths in populations. It has become clear from research to date that the death of an older child harms the survival chances of younger children in that family, and that fertility behaviour, earlier stillbirths, remarriages, and socio-economic status all explain mortality clustering to some extent.  相似文献   
《泰王国民商法典》是在近代泰国法制改革的大背景下产生的,有着复杂的社会历史背景。曼谷王朝拉玛四世以前,泰国历经素可泰王朝、大城王朝和曼谷王朝的一部分,朝代更迭,历时漫长但在法制上却保持了相对稳定。1851年,曼谷王朝四世王拉玛四世(1851-1868)登基,拉开了泰国近代史的序幕。1852年1月,英国在第二次英缅战争之后,占领了缅甸,并觊觎泰国。1855年,英国派其驻香港的总督鲍林率使团到泰国与拉玛四世谈判,威逼泰国于1855年4月18日签订了《英暹条约》(史称《鲍林条约》)。这一个不平等条约彻底打开了泰国闭关自守的大门,欧洲列强以该条约为蓝本,威逼泰国签订了类似条约。泰国自此成为一个半殖民地国家,其法制也逐步西化,泰国的法制也这一时期完成了从古代法制向现代法制的转型。事实上,泰国法制现代化的过程,就是一个从理论到制度逐步西化的过程。《泰王国民商法典》就是在这样一个大的背景下产生的。  相似文献   
《左传·郑伯克段于鄢》是非常著名的历史叙述文本,讲述了庄公兄弟二人为王位而反目成仇的过程。《左传》评价"兄不友、弟不恭"的伦常失序是事件的起因。后世评论多以此为据,而忽视兄弟二人的母亲武姜的政治力量。清华简第六辑《郑武夫人规孺子》,塑造出颇具政治谋略的武姜,综合《左传·郑伯克段于鄢》的叙述,借助历史重演解释理论分析可知,她与庄公多年秘而不宣的政治角力,是郑伯克段叙述中的内隐的政治背景。庄公借助边父、祭仲等人的长久筹谋,因势利导,驱逐共叔段、拘禁武姜,避免郑国内乱,为国家兴盛谋求发展空间,但他养骄长恶,一贯以满足个体私欲来豢养王室及其近属,为郑国埋下内乱的祸根。  相似文献   
张弘  王小红 《民族学刊》2021,12(10):59-64, 123
丹巴位于“藏彝走廊”的核心区域,其对汉藏民族关系、中央政权与边疆地区的稳定均具有重要影响。自忽必烈时期开始丹巴即开始实行土司制度直至新中国成立,研究丹巴的土司制度发展历史对梳理“藏彝走廊”民族关系及社会发展历史具有重要作用。本文对丹巴土司制度的发展历史进行了考证,并对其境内的四个土司的管辖范围、权力地位进行了梳理,以期对该地区历史发展研究提供一些参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
玉珠措姆 《民族学刊》2020,11(3):28-43, 129-130
二十世纪上半叶康区三位著名妇女精英甘孜的孔萨?央金堪珠、德格的夏克? 泽旺志玛和瞻对的甲日?其美志玛在康区政治生活中扮演了重要的角色。她们之所以获得权力,是因为康区的传统习惯法以及清末和民国时期的法律都允许妇女在一个家族没有男性继承人的情况下继承名号和土司或头人的地位。为了获得和巩固政治地位,她们往往陷入多方势力的权力争斗中,这些势力包括其家族中的男性、来自其它家族的男性、地方军阀、中央政府,有时还有西藏地方政府。研究揭示了正是康区在夹缝中生存的各土司统治区域割裂、分权的性质为地方首领,特别是妇女领袖提供了较多的施展其政治才能的空间。  相似文献   
卢卡奇深刻解读了马克思、恩格斯所创立的历史唯物主义,并在一种新的语境中解读了历史唯物主义所具有的新的功能。这一功能既是历史唯物主义的历史科学的运用,同时也是历史辩证法的实现过程。历史唯物主义首先是一门关于社会历史发展的实证科学,同时必然具有一种新的社会历史功能,即暴力革命。历史唯物主义的暴力革命功能,在观念上体现为辩证法的批判本性,在现实中就表现为革命的批判。  相似文献   
邓小平毕生致力于马克思主义中国化,运用本土化的马克思主义原理带领中国人民探索了中国特色社会主义事业建设的伟大实践,是先锋的马克思主义者。邓小平推进马克思主义中国化的历史探索有三个标志性事件或时期,也是邓小平理论形成的过程,为中国的经济社会建设做出了历史性卓越贡献。  相似文献   
The commander was mainlu in charge of the army in the local administration system during the Han Dynasty to the Sunwu Period. As the border prefectures were important in military defense, the armies of these prefectures were commonly divided into parts. Therefore, the army of Kuaiji Prefecture were divided into West Section Duwei, East Section Duwei and South Section Duwei. The West and East Section Duweis were founded for the purpose of suppressing the adherents of Yuyue as well as the Minyue and Ouyue people in the southeast coastline. In demand of securing the safety of the ship routes alongside the southeast coastline, the East Section Duwei migrated frequently within the area. In the meantime, the foundation of South Section Duwei was the result of the Sunwu government suppressing the local force and pillaging the labor resources in a partition background  相似文献   
每当先进的发展制度开始取代落后的发展制度时,整个世界格局就会进入重大的转换阶段。在中国五千年的发展历史中,有两次重大的历史变局完全改变了中国历史发展轨迹并深远地影响了当前中国的发展模式。新时代下的中国作为前两次历史变局影响的客体,曾经既是先进发展制度取代落后发展制度的受益者,也经历过作为落后发展制度主体而被先进发展制度冲击的过程。目前世界正处于第三次先进发展制度与落后发展制度交替的历史变局阶段,作为第三次重大历史变局的主体,在三次千年历史变局叠加的背景下,能否有效地认识、适应并改造利用前两次历史变局的经验与教训,构建系统性、科学性、可行性、领先性的中国特色社会主义制度,将决定中国在本次历史变局中能否顺利成为先进发展制度的主体从而实现民族复兴。  相似文献   
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