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农地产权结构是搭建土地增值收益分配与宪法秩序有效链接的重要桥梁.从农地产权结构变迁的视角看,我国传统土地增值收益的国有化机制实际在很大程度上符合1982年宪法所确立的社会主义地租国有原则及地利共享秩序.然而,由于宪法土地条款一开始就被注入了地利分配具有倾向性的思想基因,长此以往便忽视了农民作为整体分享土地增值收益的"另一半宪法秩序".新型城镇化背景下,国家进行了"同地同权"、赋权于"民"的农村土地管理制度改革,其实质是宪法秩序的延续而非替代,我国土地增值收益分配的主要机制仍是征地补偿制度.要实现我国土地增值收益的公平分享,必须回到社会主义"国家—集体"一元论的完整地利共享秩序中来,并遵循实质平等的要求,通过以"人的城镇化"为目标对区片综合地价进行限定、采取倾向于农村及农业发展的"土地财政"政策、打破城乡户籍二元制实现城乡一体化发展等方案,推动农民全过程参与、共享土地利益.  相似文献   
《民法典》侵权责任编对原有通知删除规则进行了科学修正,但事前保护缺位与事后救济程序失范的问题仍然存在。随着网络服务提供者完成角色转型和技术升级,其作为网络侵权风险的控制者和参与者,有必要且有能力承担未通知阶段的主动预防义务和已通知阶段的证明材料审查义务,以弥补著作权保护和用户利益保护的漏洞。双重注意义务应分别与网络服务提供者对侵权危险的预期和控制能力以及材料审查能力相适应。未通知阶段之注意义务以技术措施为主要履行方式,其注意标准的认定应综合考量技术水平、服务类型、内容介入程度、是否直接获取收益等要素,未尽该注意义务仅为过错认定的考量因素而非唯一标准,并不必然导致侵权责任。已通知阶段之注意义务仅限于对提交的证明材料进行形式审查和有限的实质审查,尽到此注意义务的,可以免于承担侵权责任。  相似文献   
目前我国农户的地权诉求已经发生了很大的变化,即由地权稳定、自主经营向农地资源的优化配置和高效利用转化。这一变化的内在动力是农户急切希望改变承包地过于细碎化以及改善农业生产经营基本条件。考察我国农地制度的发展史可以发现,我国农地制度变迁的基本逻辑就是农户的地权诉求决定农地制度的发展方向,这一点在当下一些地方的农地制度创新试验和经验中再次得到证明。今后我国农地制度创新必须遵循这一逻辑,根据我国农户地权诉求的变化,实施农户自愿前提下的承包地连片重划,争取国家对承包地重划制度的支持,强化农民集体民主决策制度,地方政府也要给予必要的支持。  相似文献   
Participant retention is a key factor in determining the success of longitudinal research. Challenges in re-locating and retaining participants over the long term are major issues for researchers working with young people who face adversity and experience frequent changes in circumstances. This article reports on a study of vulnerable young people and their transition into adulthood. Rather than the more conventional schedule-based approach to locating and re-interviewing young people, a relational process, the ‘right time’ framework, was used to facilitate young people's involvement in the study. Embedded in the ‘right time’ framework is recognition of the diverse and fluctuating circumstances that shape young people's availability for interviews. Several case examples are considered which amplify the way that the ‘right time’ framework allowed the research to navigate around these circumstances. The case examples highlight the value young people attached to being involved in the research, the influence on the ‘right time’ of wider relational tensions for young people and the need to negotiate researcher status as a different sort of adult. The ‘right time’ framework contributed to a high retention rate in the study generating a more representative sample and enhancing the subsequent data analysis by providing valuable insights into the lives of these vulnerable young people.  相似文献   
从农户意愿角度,以福建省农民的农用承包地为研究对象,对影响农户承包地流转的因素进行分析,通过实地调查和问卷调查的形式收集到影响农户流转承包地的样本数据,并对通过建立二元Logistic模型对各个因素的显著性进行检验。通过实证研究发现,户主受教育程度、户主的职业、农户家庭的人口、家庭的收入主要来源、承包地面积和农户流转承包地的租金水平是农户流转承包地的显著性影响因素,其中户主受教育程度、家庭的收入主要来源、承包地面积和租金水平是正向影响,户主的职业和农户家庭的人口是负向影响。根据研究的结论提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
“司法附属行政”是中国古代司法的一个重要特征。在这一背景下,中国古代法官地位就呈现出鲜明的附属性特征,这种特征同样体现在法院的地位和司法权的地位上,这也导致中国古代法官没有专门的职业保障制度,而这一切都深深地镶嵌在当时的人治大背景之中。通过与现代法官地位的比较,可以更加深切地感受到古今法官地位以至整个司法状况的巨大差异。中国现代法官地位在独立性方面相对于古代法官有了巨大改善,但仍然不尽如人意,还需要在今后的司法改革中进行反思和重点关注。  相似文献   
在我国,由于劳动法和公司法内容的冲突以及公司高级管理人员在现有劳动法语境下身份的特殊性,导致了不同法院对于劳动合同违法解除后劳动合同继续履行与否的判决并不一致。高级管理人员并不完全具有劳动法上劳动者人格和经济上的从属性,因而其不应该获得完全的与普通劳动者相同的倾斜保护。而且,高级管理人员被解聘后,因为岗位的重要性,公司往往会迅速找人代替;由于岗位数量稀缺性和要求的专业性,高级管理人员要求恢复原岗位的要求在实践中难以满足。因此,法院在适用《劳动合同法》第48条时,不应支持被解除职务的高管的复职请求,而应采用其他救济方式。  相似文献   
孤山智圆是北宋天台宗山外派的著名学僧,也是宋代倡导儒佛互融的代表性人物。智圆一生致力于天台三观,同时又“刻心净土”,力求以天台宗圆教的“心性”论统摄净土法门的“唯心净土”,又以“心性”为诸法之体来消解净秽二土之别。智圆不仅是“唯心净土”论者,也是“实在净土”的坚定信仰者,其净土思想具有鲜明的“唯心净土”和“实在净土”两重性。  相似文献   
In this article, we attempt to extend and nuance the debate on intellectual property (IP) strategy, appropriation, and open innovation in dynamic and systemic innovation contexts. We present the case of four generations of mobile telecommunications systems (covering the period 1980–2015), and describe and analyze the co-evolution of strategic IP management and innovation ecosystems. Throughout this development, technologies and technological relationships were governed with different and shifting degrees of formality. Simultaneously, firms differentiated technology accessibility across actors and technologies to benefit from openness and appropriation of innovation. Our analysis shows that the discussion of competitiveness and appropriability needs to be expanded from the focal appropriability regime and complementary assets to the larger context of the innovation ecosystem and its cooperative and competitive actor relations, with dispersed complementary and substitute assets and technologies. Consequently, the shaping of complementary and substitute appropriability regimes is central when strategizing in dynamic and systemic innovation contexts. This holds important implications for the management of open innovation, innovation ecosystems, platforms, and coopetition.  相似文献   
In most mid- and high-income countries, there have been significant demographic, structural, and cultural changes in the past decades. However, we know little about how these changes have shaped women's work patterns during a key life stage: the transition to motherhood. Using longitudinal data from Chile, covering over 30 years of employment histories and three periods of first births (1980–2010), I conduct sequence analysis to identify women's work-care trajectories during an eight-year period of the transition to motherhood. Over time, I find that continuous care work at home has declined, for which education plays a key role, while the chances of working continuously have not changed over time. Instead, I find an increasing trend of unsteady paths that combine paid work with either caretaking or unemployment. I discuss how these changes, as well as their association with education, have important implications for both gender and social inequality.  相似文献   
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