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Research suggests that the skill and experience of the attendant significantly affect the outcomes of vaginal breech births, yet practitioner experience levels are minimal within many contemporary maternity care systems.


Due to minimal experience and cultural resistance, few practitioners offer vaginal breech birth, and many practice guidelines and training programmes recommend delivery techniques requiring supine maternal position. Fewer practitioners have skills to support physiological breech birth, involving active maternal movement and choice of birthing position, including upright postures such as kneeling, standing, squatting, or on a birth stool. How professionals learn complex skills contrary to those taught in their local practice settings is unclear.


How do professionals develop competence and expertise in physiological breech birth?


Nine midwives and five obstetricians with experience facilitating upright physiological breech births participated in semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed iteratively using constructivist grounded theory methods to develop an empirical theory of physiological breech skill acquisition.


Among the participants in this research, the deliberate acquisition of competence in physiological breech birth included stages of affinity with physiological birth, critical awareness, intention, identity and responsibility. Expert practitioners operating across local and national boundaries guided less experienced practitioners.


The results depict a specialist learning model which could be formalised in sympathetic training programmes, and evaluated. It may also be relevant to developing competence in other specialist/expert roles and innovative practices.


Deliberate development of local communities of practice may support professionals to acquire elusive breech skills in a sustainable way.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the estimation of the three determining parameters of the efficient frontier, the expected return, and the variance of the global minimum variance portfolio and the slope parameter, from a Bayesian perspective. Their posterior distribution is derived by assigning the diffuse and the conjugate priors to the mean vector and the covariance matrix of the asset returns and is presented in terms of a stochastic representation. Furthermore, Bayesian estimates together with the standard uncertainties for all three parameters are provided, and their asymptotic distributions are established. All obtained findings are applied to real data, consisting of the returns on assets included into the S&P 500. The empirical properties of the efficient frontier are then examined in detail.  相似文献   
评价是一个表达范畴,与句法、语义和语用都密切相关。评价意义可以通过词汇手段显性表达,也可以通过句法手段隐性表达。由于隐性表达比较隐蔽,对其进行发掘和整理就显得尤为重要。本文属于隐性评价的个案研究,论述了"不/没+VP1+等于+没/没有+VP2"构式的句法和语义、构式的主观性和主观化、构式的语用功能,发现该构式表达一个蕴含假设关系的主观等值命题,主观性非常强。构式由动词"等于"连接前后两项,语义重心在前,其构式义是主观推介和隐性评价的复合。该构式具有焦点凸显、广告宣传、施为导向等语用功能。  相似文献   
艺术现象学的基本问题是一种非对象性的艺术创作是否可能及如何可能的问题。直观相继而来的被给予性,并非所有的被给予性都绝对的通向非对象创作,唯有基于虚静主体的直观被给予性,才能真正实现非对象性的绘画创作。首先论述虚静就是世间一切存在的根源和本性。其次论述直观对于画家真正接近事物和实现非对象性创作的重要意义。再次论述马里翁所勾画的新主体如何取代了建构性的“我”,从而实现了去主体形而上学的历史使命。最后论述了具象表现绘画理论对于非对象性绘画创作的启示。  相似文献   
这是在大学一年级ESL学生中利用交际课程进行合作学习方法的试验,此项实验根据学生的反馈得出结论。这项新方法的主要目标是鼓励学生共同学习,互相学习,自由表达各自的观点。通过面谈和问卷调查的方式记录了学生对于本实验的观点,结果证明学生喜欢这种新教学方法,而且发现它对学习很有帮助。只有少数学生保留意见。本文讨论了文化对教与学影响的思考结果以及对英语教学法和课程设计的启示。  相似文献   
为了寻找三维用户界面设计策略,在归纳2维(2D)与2.5维(2.5D)用户界面包含的内容与设计策略的基础上,从3维(3D)用户界面的交互任务、信息呈现和用户搜索行为三方面进行了分析,整合了用户需求、空间行为、空间任务,创新性地构建了面向真3D空间的“需求-任务-层次模型”,为3D用户界面的构建提供了新的思路。此外,从细节层面对3D用户界面具体设计原则进行分析,提出了“信息呈现设计矩阵”,对3D用户界面设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the reasons why lesbians become substance abusers more frequently than individuals in the heterosexual population. A variety of reasons for this phenomenon are explored using 18 studies to assist in helping to identify reasons for the higher rate of substance abuse among the lesbian population. Factors identified as crucial for further research include: self-esteem, social identity and the influence of bars on substance abuse, the prevalence of suicide, disclosure identification, coming out, religious influence, sexual abuse, and gender self-presentation (butch-appearing masculine/femme-appearing effeminate).  相似文献   
高师美术教育专业培养模式与培养具有创新性的新型城乡中学美术教师的宗旨相背已久.从基础水彩画课入手进行符号、图式建构教学的研究与实践,有利于该专业课程体系改革的全面实施,进而打破传统培养模式,为城乡中学输送具有审美能力、创新能力的新型人才.  相似文献   
描写民族苦难以及重大历史背景下个体的困厄和艰辛,是二十世纪上半叶大多数中国作家和犹太作家作品的重要内容。文章选取了中国作家郁达夫和美国犹太作家马拉默德最有影响力的短篇小说作品进行分析,主要关注了他们对苦难的表述和言说的方式、角度,以及对超越苦难所做的不同尝试。郁达夫着力表达的是与民族命运息息相关的青年人的苦闷,马拉默德关注的是作为生命之常态的苦难。他山之石可以攻玉,当中国近现代大多数作家都抄“救亡图强”的近道去解生之苦难时,反观同时代的犹太作家们对苦难的表达,我们可以得到一种新的图式和角度。  相似文献   
通过以沪深两市2009-2011年年度财务报告数据为样本,对上市公司其他综合收益列报与披露效果进行考察发现,三年来,上市公司"其他综合收益"项目列报的金额呈逐年下降趋势;各年均存在着报表间数据勾稽关系错误、漏填或错报"综合收益总额"项目的金额、未在附注中充分披露其他综合收益具体项目内容等技术层面上的问题;同时,发生混淆其他综合收益和权益性交易事项的问题较为普遍。在财务报表中引入综合收益指标,有助于投资者等财务报告使用者分析企业的全面收益情况。其他综合收益未来在我国的会计实践中任重而道远。  相似文献   
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