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制造业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,但也是环境污染物排放的主要来源、能源消耗主体和温室气体排放大户。制造系统高能耗、高物耗、高碳排放的加工过程是造成制造业碳排放量大的重要原因。生产单元作为制造系统的加工的主体,其碳排放量的核算是确定整个制造系统乃至制造业碳排放总量的关键。本文首先对生产单元的原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理所引起的碳排放进行分析,确定生产单元的碳排放源;其次,产品合格率的不同会造成生产单元输入及输出的成品/半成品数量的差异,进而影响生产单元单位产品的碳排放量,在此基础上,综合考虑了原材料、电能、辅助物料及废屑处理的碳排放情况,构建了给定工艺流程下生产单元碳排放核算模型。最后,结合一汽车排气装置加工实例,分别核算加工过程中九个生产单元的碳排放量,验证了模型的可行性。  相似文献   
This article explores and evaluates a cross-disciplinary small-scale project using applied theatre in social work education. The aim was to provide an ‘Affective Encounter’ where students could practice empathic engagement, understanding of the needs of children who have been sexually abused and their protective parents/carers and engage in the complexities of working with family members who may be resistant. The workshop took place five times over a period of three years and was attended by children and families social workers on a one year post-qualifying graduate diploma course. While the use of verbatim theatre does not offer a guarantee of factual truth, it provided the students with some performed moments of personal testimony which was taken word-for-word from mothers whose children had been sexually abused. This allowed the social workers to hear the marginalised narratives of the protective mothers and to practice without a negative impact on the service user. The evaluation identified from self-report the development of emotional and practical skills and knowledge of available resources. This paper focuses on the emotional skills reported and two emerging themes are discussed: learning for humane practice, and the use of this pedagogical approach to encourage affective reflection.  相似文献   
为培养出更多符合社会需要的外语专业人才,分别采用发放问卷和召开座谈会的方式对河北省内不同性质的用人单位进行了“外语专业人才需求与培养质量”调查。并在调查和访谈的基础上提出了系列培养目标、课程设置改革以及培养形式的参考方案,旨在从根本上为外语专业人才的培养模式提供可行的实质性建议。  相似文献   
自古以来,我国就十分重视人才,所谓得人才则得天下就是这种思想最集中的概括。爱才之心人皆有之,但是做一个真正的爱才者又是非常不容易的。一个爱才者必须具备卓识和胆识,前者是识别人才,而后者是保护人才。人才问题又是一个难题。作者不揣冒昧,借本文意欲谈谈我的人才理念与实践,主要是关于人才的识别选拔、教育培养、聘任使用、流动和保护等问题。  相似文献   
学前教育师资队伍建设是立园之本,是学前教学质量的重要保证,关系到幼儿身心健康的发展。通过对昆明市C区29所幼儿园2011-2017年间师资队伍建设的情况进行追踪调查,研究分析了该地区幼儿园教师队伍数量的发展、教师队伍专业性水平以及骨干教师梯队建设的现状。从供给侧改革的视角出发,针对区县学前教育师资队伍建设存在的问题,提出了相应的建议。笔者认为,为促进学前教育整体质量的提升,学前教育师资队伍建设的重点应该从追求数量的增长,转向对师资质量的提升。  相似文献   
作为中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,邓小平在参与领导中国革命、建设和改革的过程中,科学地论述了人才的重要性,在人才标准、培养和使用等方面提出了一系列相互联系的基本观点,形成了丰富的人才思想。邓小平人才思想具有鲜明的时代性、实践性、科学性和开放性。研究邓小平人才思想,对实施新世纪人才强国战略有着极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
高校人才培养成本研究是关系到高校生均教育经费投入,关系到高校教育经费使用效果的重要课题。研究它对于提高高校内部管理水平,确定合理的收费标准,改革财政补贴办法具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文从理论和实践等方面进行了新的阐述。  相似文献   
We focus here on the retention of highly qualified women scientists in science‐based employment in England and Wales. Using linked Census records from the Longitudinal Study 1971–1991 we show that women's education and employment rates in science, engineering and technology increased somewhat, although some fields show persistently low representation. We then compare retention in employing women with health‐related degrees with that of women with degrees in science, engineering and technology, showing that the latter group has markedly lower retention rates. Those who stay on in science‐based employment have children later than other types of graduate and their rates of non‐motherhood are higher. Four‐fifths of women in health‐related occupations were mothers, compared to only two‐fifths in science, engineering and technology. Our findings have implications for policymakers who wish to make best use of the knowledge base: attention should be paid to retention, as well as the more usual focus on qualifications and recruitment. The findings also suggest the potential for institutionally based theories to explain why highly qualified women have such low retention rates in science‐based employment.  相似文献   
文章针对双语教学的特殊性,从实施过程中的师资、教材、教学环境和考核评价体系等方面,提出了双语教学的教师应具有全球多元文化和创新性思维素质、双语教材应体现学科前沿理论和最新学术动态、双语教师需营造主导与主体相结合的英语学习环境和建构多元化的双语教学的考核评价体系的设想。  相似文献   
随着我国市场经济的快速发展,经济纠纷、经济案件中所涉及的财务会计问题越来越多,迫切需要法务会计人员从会计和法律的专业角度进行调查、取证和鉴定,为法庭提供专家意见。但我国法务会计理论研究滞后、从业人员素质不高、法务会计人才严重匮乏,远远不能满足日益增长的法务会计需求。由于法务会计与财务会计有较大区别,因此,我国应加强法务会计建设,强化法务会计理论研究,并针对我国法务会计的现状,构建学历教育、在职教育和社会教育三位一体的法务会计人才培养模式,以培养具有中国特色的、多层次的、复合型法务会计人才。  相似文献   
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