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土司制度是羁縻制度的延续,自元朝将这一制度运用于西南以来直到清朝实行"改土归流",乃统治西南的最重要的制度。位于四川阿坝的黑水县地处深山峡谷,民国时期乃至新中国成立时仍保留了这一制度。对土司制度的研究可谓汗牛充栋,可作为土司时代表征的土司官寨建筑物本身的研究较少。通过残存的土司衙门,让我们来认识和发现土司时代的土司文化和土司文化影响下的地方文化逻辑。  相似文献   

马廷中 《民族学刊》2012,3(5):30-36,92
卓克基土司是四川藏区著名"嘉绒十八土司"之一,也是"四土"的主要部分。在长达600多年土司的统治下,由于自然与人文环境的特点,卓克基地区形成了独具特色的土司文化,其主要内容有:以土司官寨为代表的建筑文化、具有地域特色的宗教文化活动和独特的民间歌舞——四土锅庄。虽然土司制度不存在了,但土司文化在卓克基地区还广泛地存在着,并成为了民族文化旅游发展的重要资源。通过树立"可持续发展"观念,保护和发展卓克基土司文化;大力促进土司文化旅游商品的开发;开发民族节庆旅游,增强游客的参与性、互动性和娱乐性,有利于提升卓克基地区民族文化旅游产品的竞争实力和加强对民族文化的保护。  相似文献   

壮族土司信仰的研究成果,主要集中在岑氏土司和侬氏土司。盘阳河流域是岑氏土司和韦氏土司领地的交叉地带,如今成为岑大将军和韦大将军两大信仰圈交叉地带,这是区域历史记忆的反映。盘阳河流域韦大将军信仰反映了壮族民间信仰的丰富性与等级性,统一性和差异性,是壮族将军信仰体系的缩影。  相似文献   

卓克基上司官寨座落在四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州马尔康县卓克基乡政府驻地背后山腰的台地上。官寨左依连绵起伏的高山,正对着钢足沟的涓涓细流,隔沟相对的是西索村——“卓克基官寨的哨兵”——林比鳞次的嘉绒传统民宅村寨,梭磨河宛如一条银白匹练自背后绕右侧将其紧紧环抱。卓克基,部分史书亦称为“卓克采”,嘉绒藏语的汉语音译,意为“像桌子一样的地方”,来源于卓克基土司官寨所处的台地地貌。卓克基土司始于元朝至正二十三年(1286年)。此前,卓克基属梭磨土司辖地。至正二十三年,卓克基地区的小头目们集体商议,准备迎请一位吐…  相似文献   

赵心宪 《民族学刊》2018,9(6):51-58, 114-116
基于文化遗产理念的土司文化定义,实质上说,“土司制度文化”的核心内涵是其认知基础,这是中国土司文化历史存在的史学学术根基,不容漠视;而中国土司文化所具世界遗产普世价值的阐释,正是我们现在探讨土司文化定义不可回避的关键问题。以狭义土司制度文化为其历史文化的本体属性,同时纳入中国土司文化所具世界遗产普世价值的文化遗产学阐释,应该是广义土司文化定义的价值取向。  相似文献   

张弘  王小红 《民族学刊》2021,12(10):59-64, 123
丹巴位于“藏彝走廊”的核心区域,其对汉藏民族关系、中央政权与边疆地区的稳定均具有重要影响。自忽必烈时期开始丹巴即开始实行土司制度直至新中国成立,研究丹巴的土司制度发展历史对梳理“藏彝走廊”民族关系及社会发展历史具有重要作用。本文对丹巴土司制度的发展历史进行了考证,并对其境内的四个土司的管辖范围、权力地位进行了梳理,以期对该地区历史发展研究提供一些参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

宕昌马土司从元代至正九(1349)年至民国二十二(1933)年,先后承袭延续达584年之久,是甘青地区土司中存在时间最长,管辖范围影响较大的土司之一。研究马土司家族延续发展的历史,对明清以来宕昌及相关周边地区的历史和甘肃地方史,甘肃藏族史研究都有极为重要的意义,而其家谱则是研究了解宕昌马土司家族发展延续不可替代比较重要的基础资料。宕昌马土司家谱因仅存一部,未能公开介绍和披露其主要内容,学术界了解者甚少。因此,笔者根据前不久委托宕昌县政协主席刘述提供的土司家谱复印件,作简要考述,以供地方史志和甘肃藏族史研究者参考。  相似文献   

马强 《民族学刊》2018,9(5):1-10, 97-99
明清时期的乌江流域为川、黔少数民族聚集区,有一定数量涉及土司历史纪事的碑刻保存至今,对研究西南土司制度及其历史文化有重要意义。首先这些土司碑刻纪事具有早于正史记载的先前性与地方性,有正本清源的意义,与传世文献记载多可互为印证,同时又可补充正史文献记载的阙略。其次,乌江流域土司碑刻为研究西南土司历史地理问题提供了不少实证资料,对于探讨西南民族地区政区的早期状况、政区调整变迁、汉夷畛域纠纷及其解决等有一定认知意义。同时,乌江流域土司碑刻对黔、滇古代方国地理多有考证,其学术价值值得重视。  相似文献   

在嘉绒藏族土司的祖源问题上,嘉绒土司、苯教学者、藏传佛教僧侣以及中原史家这四方从各自的角度分别进行了解答,因而相应地产生了四种不同的历史文本,即:“琼乌卵生说”、“琼部东迁说”、“四(六)氏族说”和“皇帝册封说”.通过对这四类历史文本的解读,不仅可以厘清嘉绒土司与临近藏区和中央王朝之间的关系,而且从中也能反映出嘉绒地区所具有的多种文化元素互相碰撞、融合、共存的历史文化特点.  相似文献   

<正>在我国卷帙浩繁的文学宝库中,有一部反映汉族土家族交往交流交融的重要古籍,就是清初汉族戏曲作家、诗人顾彩撰写的《容美纪游》。《容美纪游》是清康熙四十三年(1704年)顾彩游历鄂西南容美土司地区的一部游记作品,记载了他到容美土司的所见所闻、所思所感及其与田舜年寄赠唱和的诗歌,对研究历史上汉族土家族交往交流交融具有重要的文献价值。  相似文献   

The use of the categories ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ to differentiate between those on the move and the legitimacy, or otherwise, of their claims to international protection has featured strongly during Europe’s ‘migration crisis’ and has been used to justify policies of exclusion and containment. Drawing on interviews with 215 people who crossed the Mediterranean to Greece in 2015, our paper challenges this ‘categorical fetishism’, arguing that the dominant categories fail to capture adequately the complex relationship between political, social and economic drivers of migration or their shifting significance for individuals over time and space. As such it builds upon a substantial body of academic literature demonstrating a disjuncture between conceptual and policy categories and the lived experiences of those on the move. However, the paper is also critical of efforts to foreground or privilege ‘refugees’ over ‘migrants’ arguing that this reinforces rather than challenges the dichotomy’s faulty foundations. Rather those concerned about the use of categories to marginalise and exclude should explicitly engage with the politics of bounding, that is to say, the process by which categories are constructed, the purpose they serve and their consequences, in order to denaturalise their use as a mechanism to distinguish, divide and discriminate.  相似文献   

在"文明间对话"被各国学界极为重视的当代,特别值得关注与研究的是,17-18世纪的回儒学与日本德川儒学之间的具有价值和意义的对话.刘智和伊藤仁斋是同时代不同文化背景的两位思想大师,同时受到朱子学影响,并吸收融合而产生出自己独特的思想体系.本文将探讨这两位思想家对朱子学"理"、"气"思想的重构特色.进一步想说明,不同文化...  相似文献   

In 2010, the French parliament passed legislation banning the concealment of the face in public in response to a highly publicised debate over the place of the full-face Islamic veil in French society. This essay explores the thus far unexamined relationship between Jewish-French philosopher Emmanual Levinas' ethics of the face-to-face encounter and France's so-called burqa ban. It draws particular attention to the role vision plays in the articulations of ethical comportment between French citizens that were used to justify the burqa ban. In his writing on the face, Levinas remarked more than once that ethics for him is an optics. I seek to demonstrate that his understanding of vision in relation to the face of the Other is a very different optics from that advanced in French anti-burqa discourse.  相似文献   


Updating our earlier work on Brussels as the paradigm of a multi-level, multi-cultural, multi-national city, and in the context of Brussels’s recent troubled emergence as the epicentre of violent conflict between radical political Islam and the West, this paper sets out the paradoxical intersection of national (i.e. Flemish and Francophone), non-national and ethnic minority politics in a city placed as a multi-cultural and multi-national ‘urban anomaly’ at the heart of linguistic struggle of the two dominant Belgian communities. Brussels is one of the three Regions of the Belgian federal model alongside Flanders and Wallonia. It is also an extraordinarily diverse and cosmopolitan city, in which a mixed language Belgian population lives alongside very high numbers of resident non-nationals, including European elites, other European immigrant workers, and immigrants from Africa and Asia. After laying out the complex distribution of power and competences within the Belgian federal structure, we explore whether these structures have worked over the years to include or exclude disadvantaged ethnic groups. To better understand these processes, we introduce our view of the multi-level governance perspective.  相似文献   

This article will focus on the development of Irish and Ulster-British nationalisms through examining five factors that had the greatest impact on the creation and growth of these nationalisms: the geographic and topographic setting; demographic changes; sociocultural factors; economic and class factors; and the impact of the colonial power. The article will show that nationalism is driven by variables that originate from broader processes extending beyond the national group.  相似文献   

我国少数民族声乐演唱的艺术特征在风格特点、演唱方法、语言差异及表现形式上形成了各具特色的民族声乐文化,在继承、融合、借鉴和创新的过程中,不断发展与繁荣。本文就此问题作具体探讨。  相似文献   

本文根据对新疆维吾尔自治区南疆地区部分农村进行实地调查所获取的第一手资料和所了解到的情况,对长期以来制约南疆地区经济发展的客观的和主观的原因,进行了实事求是的分析,提出了存在的问题和解决这些问题的措施及设想,阐述了西部大开发及发展南疆地区社会经济的重大的经济意义和政治意义.  相似文献   

Discussions of the writings of theorist, psychiatrist and revolutionary, Frantz Fanon, in the fields of education and childhood typically focus on his account of a traumatic encounter with a white child, whose fear at the sight of a black man is said to create a vilified, racialised identity and installs an irreversible social and corporeal alienation. Yet Fanon’s writings include a range of other depictions of children, childhood and education which reflect his broader views of colonial and decolonisation processes that include recognisable tropes of classic developmentalism, including gender chauvinisms. Nevertheless, it is suggested that the diversity and complexity of child-related allusions across his texts allow for other critical readings that can inform educational debates on anticolonial analyses, of children, childhood and of their more general role in post and anti-development discourse.  相似文献   

民俗变异与民俗学者的立场   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现今中国的经济变革正在引起包括物质、精神、社会等层面上的民俗的复杂变化。作者认为民俗学者应当站在学术、社会和人文的立场上来对待、研究这一现象。  相似文献   

本试验研究了不同季节(舍温变化)对母猪生产性能及仔猪发育情况的影响,以及温度对生长猪日增重的影响和断乳仔猪的生长规律。试验结果表明:军牧一号母猪冬季窝产仔数多,但仔猪的成活率、健仔率低,夏季窝仔数少,但成活率和健仔率高,春秋季成活率、健仔率偏低,与其它两季比较差异不显著(P>0.05),仔猪初生重和断乳体重大。  相似文献   

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