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Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the inference of suitable generally non linear functions in stochastic volatility models. In this context, in order to estimate the variance of the proposed estimators, a moving block bootstrap (MBB) approach is suggested and discussed. Under mild assumptions, we show that the MBB procedure is weakly consistent. Moreover, a methodology to choose the optimal length block in the MBB is proposed. Some examples and simulations on the model are also made to show the performance of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   
根据支撑基础、责任负担、保障水平以及民众需求等维度,可以把民生保障划分为托底型、基本型、改善型以及富裕型等四种类型。改善型民生是经济社会发展到一定阶段的产物,也是国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的客观要求。它是指通过各类民生项目的安排及民生待遇优化以促进民众生活得到持续改善、社会发展水平得到提升的一种制度类型,是民生项目更加齐全、内容更为完善、治理水平更高、使民众各按其分的民生模式,是人们的日常生活与服务消费支出总额持续增长以便能够提升生活水平的民生类型,是那种不断满足人的需要特别是较高层次需要的模式类型,也是更有助于形成社会结构稳定、国家长治久安的民生制度类型,因而具有综合性、完善性、激励性以及发展性等特点。这要求我们优化民生类型设计及民生投入结构,补齐改善型民生短板,营造良好社会秩序,扎实推进国家治理体系及治理能力现代化建设。  相似文献   
最高人民法院、最高人民检察院《关于办理侵犯公民个人信息刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第六条对为合法经营活动而侵犯公民个人信息行为进行独立规制,是新型犯罪罪状表述抽象化与罪状解释具体化、信息时代信息价值多元化与危害行为多样化、现代社会犯罪治理精细化与刑法评价精准化的内在要求.为合法经营活动而侵犯公民个人信息行为相关规范要素中的“为合法经营活动”应理解为主观超过要素,“获利五万元”应作严格解释,“曾因侵犯公民个人信息”应作广义解释,“其他情节严重”应包括信息数量标准.  相似文献   
清代冕宁县作为多民族杂居的地区,雍正年间改土归流后,国家治理开始深入基层社会,为了适应当地民族社会管理的特别需要,当地形成了一种特殊的制度——夷兵换班制。“夷兵换班制”是通过招募当地“夷民”到流官衙署中充当“夷兵”,作为地方流官处理涉及少数民族内部事务的辅助人员,保证国家在处理当地少数民族民政、治安、司法等事务时有熟悉当地“夷俗”的衙吏。由于“夷兵”实行定期轮换,所以称为“夷兵换班制”。“夷兵换班制”的核心是“夷兵”,“夷兵”从职能上看,最初是作为地方治安保安人员,但在现实中往往成为流官和夷民之间在民政、治安、司法事务管理中的中介,具有沟通官方与民间信息、促进国家法与民族习惯融合与互动、弥补外来官吏地方民族事务管理能力不足等功能。总之,“夷兵换班制”是清代地方流官衙署在西南地区治理时针对特定地区设置的一种变通制度,这种制度对于国家在少数民族地区基层社会的治理发挥着十分重要的积极作用。  相似文献   
应用于交易领域的智能合约融入区块链技术,以代码形式表现,可实现合同履行的自动化和不可逆,超越了传统意义上的合同模式.自助行为说、代理说将智能合约视为对合同过程的外部增强,是侧面功能的法律阐释,并未完全捕捉到实质.智能合约并不一定跨越整个合同过程,也可仅是合同过程某个方面或某个阶段.法律意义上的智能合约不是合同新类型,而是合同关系形式的新发展,即当事人缔结和履行合同的新形式,合同性质未发生实质变化.智能合约满足特定要件构成特殊的书面形式,具有"书面形式+自动履行"功能的特质.民事主体通过智能合约形式订立合同应遵守《民法典》等现行法律的具体规则,以保证合同依法成立与生效.智能合约不等同于具有法律效力的合同,认定其效力应结合智能合约应用中的具体问题展开具体分析.从立法上确认智能合约,在符合国家现有法律、政策基础上编写和应用,实现形式的合法化、内容的规范化是该技术谋求长远发展的保障.技术起步的现阶段,纸质合同、一般电子合同与智能合约在不同方面发挥协作作用,会在未来一段时间内成为民事交往、商业交易的主要状态.  相似文献   


Research suggests that the skill and experience of the attendant significantly affect the outcomes of vaginal breech births, yet practitioner experience levels are minimal within many contemporary maternity care systems.


Due to minimal experience and cultural resistance, few practitioners offer vaginal breech birth, and many practice guidelines and training programmes recommend delivery techniques requiring supine maternal position. Fewer practitioners have skills to support physiological breech birth, involving active maternal movement and choice of birthing position, including upright postures such as kneeling, standing, squatting, or on a birth stool. How professionals learn complex skills contrary to those taught in their local practice settings is unclear.


How do professionals develop competence and expertise in physiological breech birth?


Nine midwives and five obstetricians with experience facilitating upright physiological breech births participated in semi-structured interviews. Data were analysed iteratively using constructivist grounded theory methods to develop an empirical theory of physiological breech skill acquisition.


Among the participants in this research, the deliberate acquisition of competence in physiological breech birth included stages of affinity with physiological birth, critical awareness, intention, identity and responsibility. Expert practitioners operating across local and national boundaries guided less experienced practitioners.


The results depict a specialist learning model which could be formalised in sympathetic training programmes, and evaluated. It may also be relevant to developing competence in other specialist/expert roles and innovative practices.


Deliberate development of local communities of practice may support professionals to acquire elusive breech skills in a sustainable way.  相似文献   
《共产党宣言》蕴含着深刻的生态思想,其体系以人、社会、自然整体为背景,其核心观点认为生态问题是由资本主义生产方式引起的.马克思在唯物史观视野下,科学论证了资产阶级的所有制必然灭亡、共产主义必然实现的历史发展逻辑,廓清了人与人、人与自然之间双重和解的演化路径.其中关于科技提升、市场拓展、交通和通信发展等引起世界市场“生态扩张”的思想,对全球化程度日益加深境况下“生态文明”和“人类命运共同体”的构建具有重大的理论和实践指导价值.  相似文献   
郑立新  罗鹏 《云梦学刊》2020,(1):115-124
农民是农业和农村的主体,也是乡村振兴的内生因素,发挥农民主体作用对实施乡村振兴战略意义重大。当前农民对乡村振兴关注度和支持度较高,农民的主体作用发挥成为乡村振兴的根本动力。但现实中,农民主体作用也受到诸如农业综合效益较低、农民自身思想文化和能力素质不高、管理机制滞后及基础条件薄弱等多方面的因素制约,需要党委、政府综合施策,采取完善乡村治理、健全政策扶持、建立引导机制、补齐短板缺陷、加强培育培训等一系列政策措施,尊重、引导、激励和支持农民自我管理、自我发展,激发农民的主动性、积极性、创造性。  相似文献   
《一个人老了》写于1991年4月,彼时作者的生理年龄与诗中感悟分别处于跨度相距较远的不同生命时段,由此在形成诗歌内在张力的同时,也使阅读必须面对在“四月”与“衰老”之间存在的强烈反差,问题由此被提出。对这种反差的成因分析是从文本的抒情节奏、抒情肌理以及价值立场与生命观等方面的异质特征切入,解读其在诗歌渊源上与博尔赫斯、聂鲁达等世界诗人之间的互文关系,进而追溯至作者西川所代表的“知识分子写作”对阅读经验的习惯性倚重。  相似文献   
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