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针对供应链的治理难题,提出信任具有决策、协调、约束和简化等功能,信任机制是非垂直管理体系特别是供应链的理想治理工具,由此建构了多层次的供应链信任治理结构体系。  相似文献   
近年来国内政府信任问题研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于解决实际问题的现实考量,我国学术界深入展开了对政府信任问题的理论研究;在政府信任的概念诠释、理论模型以及应用研究等方面取得了重大的理论成就;不仅成功开辟了政府信任问题的历史发生学视野、结构化视野和学科化视野,而且有效地促进了政府信任研究与构建社会主义和谐社会、形塑服务型政府以及推进政治现代化等实践之间的有机结合。  相似文献   
以1996~2020年Web of Science核心合集数据库中团队冲突在管理学研究中的文献为研究对象,运用Citespace等可视化科学工具绘制了团队冲突研究关键词共现图谱和战略坐标图,系统分析了团队冲突管理研究内容的内在关联与发展脉络,并绘制了团队冲突管理研究的热点趋势主线框架。研究结果发现:团队内部冲突、信任、绩效、战略性决策是团队冲突管理研究的热点。在未来的研究中,探究不同类型冲突间的转化过程及边界条件是明晰团队冲突结构及作用机制的突破口;结合其他冲突类型及团队生命周期各阶段展开对团队冲突与绩效影响关系的讨论是对团队冲突影响结果的有益探索;辨识高层管理团队成员间的信任障碍问题、虚拟团队中的快速信任机制是信任与冲突关系研究的重点议题;探究不同冲突管理策略组合运用的作用机理是找到冲突解决方案的关键一环。  相似文献   
社会信任作为一种重要的非正式制度,对企业履行社会责任的行为具有深远影响。以2010—2019年沪深A股上市公司为样本,检验了社会信任对企业社会责任绩效的影响。研究结果表明:社会信任水平越高的地区,企业的社会责任绩效越好;这种促进作用在法律环境相对不完善的地区更为显著。进一步研究发现,社会信任还有效提高了企业社会责任的信息披露质量,并显著改善了企业履行社会责任效率。上述研究结果表明,社会信任作为一种重要的非正式制度,对促进企业社会责任履行产生了积极影响,并能弥补诸如法律环境等的不足来提升社会责任绩效。因此,监管部门在不断完善法律环境的同时,也应关注地区社会信任等非正式制度对企业社会责任履行的促进作用,提升企业社会责任绩效。  相似文献   
传统危机治理模式在应对新时期复合型风险中存在诸多积弊。创新基层治理的体制机制,转变传统“工程能力”的应急治理理念是推进乡村振兴战略有效实施的基本面向。韧性概念的提出在丰富公共治理理论内涵的同时也为建构“中国之治”乡村危机治理体系提供学理支持。依据“解构建构”的逻辑理路尝试提出“乡村韧性治理共同体”这一学术命题。基于“协同”和“信任”双重维度系统阐释乡村韧性治理共同体的建构逻辑,认为“多中心自组织协同”的网络结构形态强调党建引领下的“一核多元”;而“契约信任”是现代乡村公共秩序维系的前提,能够激发韧性治理共同体的内生动力。基于系统内部各要素联动融合的作用机理与实践应用,从多元主体的协同组织机制、政社互动的秩序维稳机制、长效常态资源冗余机制、社区数字技术赋能机制和动态调适持续学习机制等方面探究乡村韧性治理共同体的运行机制,旨在重塑全方位多层次的网络拓扑型治理共同体结构,接续推进乡村韧性建构与风险治理体系的融合。  相似文献   
基于“目标群体回应行动评价政策及执行有效性”的思路,利用汾渭平原微观农户调查数据,以农户的清洁取暖采纳行动来评估“双替代”政策及环境规制执行效能。鉴于清洁取暖双重政策目标,将农户清洁取暖采纳分为采纳决策和采纳效果两个阶段。采用Heckman模型,从约束型规制和激励型规制两个维度分析不同环境规制手段对农户清洁取暖采纳的影响效应。结果表明:约束型规制对农户清洁取暖采纳决策具有显著正向影响,而对农户清洁取暖采纳效果具有显著负向影响;激励型规制对农户清洁取暖采纳决策和采纳效果均有正向影响。控制内生性的IV Heckman模型和PSM反事实估计结果支持了上述研究结论。运用同时克服环境规制内生性和样本选择偏差问题的IV Heckman模型,从中央政府信任和地方政府信任两个层级拓展研究不同政府信任在环境规制对农户清洁取暖采纳影响中的调节作用。结果表明:中央政府信任在约束型规制对农户清洁取暖采纳中发挥增强性调节作用,地方政府在约束型规制和激励型规制对农户清洁取暖采纳中均发挥增强性调节作用。最后,提出环境规制政策执行应兼顾农户资本禀赋差异、提升地方政府信任度等对策建议。  相似文献   
接续阶层分化的研究路径,从农民互惠博弈内生视角出发,构建"人际信任-熟人社会"的分析框架,以揭示熟人社会变迁的微观动力机制。研究认为,小农经济的生产形态与农耕文明时期低社会生产力水平以致农民长期面临生存威胁之间的张力,催生了广布于乡村社会的互惠网络,农民人际信任的自我增强与经济互助及道德声誉制度的自我实施相互作用,生成并维系传统熟人社会及其发展。市场性的输入以经济分化和农民离村为着力点打破了这一继替格局。农民摆脱生存威胁后,其互惠付出意愿降低,进而影响博弈双方的行为选择。当信任的自我削弱使农民的制度化信念发生质变时,熟人社会逐步解体趋势难以逆转。流动性社会中,基于连接性社会网络建立新型农村社区,是乡村社会发展的重要方向。  相似文献   
This study examines a key component of environmental risk communication; trust and credibility. The study was conducted in two parts. In the first part, six hypotheses regarding the perceptions and determinants of trust and credibility were tested against survey data. The hypotheses were supported by the data. The most important hypothesis was that perceptions of trust and credibility are dependent on three factors: perceptions of knowledge and expertise; perceptions of openness and honesty; and perceptions of concern and care. In the second part, models were constructed with perceptions of trust and credibility as the dependent variable. The goal was to examine the data for findings with direct policy implications. One such finding was that defying a negative stereotype is key to improving perceptions of trust and credibility.  相似文献   
Culture, Cosmopolitanism, and Risk Management   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Most cultural approaches to risk management deal with the connections between the forms of social relations within groups and the risk concerns of those groups. According to these theories, a certain limited set of different relational forms (usually three, four, or five) lead to specific, different and conflicting, risk concerns. In contrast to these theories, cosmopolitanism is an approach to culture that focuses, not on forms of sociality, but on changes among forms—expansions and contractions in the inclusivity of forms and movement by persons from one form of sociality to another. Relative to other cultural theories, cosmopolitanism thus is much more concerned with the solution of risk management problems than with their origins. Cosmopolitanism can be thought of as a cultural continuum, with cosmopolitanism at one end and pluralism at the other. Cosmopolitan persons are more open to cultural change—and thus the solution of risk management problems. In this article, we outline our new theory of cosmopolitanism, describe a method for measuring it and present an experimental study that tests some implications of the theory. Results from the study support the theory by showing that, compared to pluralistic respondents, cosmopolitan respondents are more inclusive in their risk management judgments—that is, they express equal concern for a local and a national issue, whereas the pluralistic respondents express greater concern in the local case. We discuss the risk management implications of a cosmopolitan approach to culture.  相似文献   
This article employs Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) to investigate whether, and under what conditions, trust is viable in markets. The emergence and breakdown of trust is modeled in a context of multiple buyers and suppliers. Agents develop trust in a partner as a function of observed loyalty. They select partners on the basis of their trust in the partner and potential profit, with adaptive weights. On the basis of realized profits, they adapt the weight they attach to trust relative to profitability, and their own trustworthiness, modeled as a threshold of defection. Trust and loyalty turn out to be viable under fairly general conditions.  相似文献   
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