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Exploration and Enlightenment on Chinization of Humanism Thought of China's Bourgeoisie
Tan Peiwen
Abstract: As a proposition with special connotation, the Chinization of Marxist humanism thought was gradually formed in the 1990s. However, this does not mean there was no Chinization of humanism thought during China's bourgeois revolution before the time. The humanism thought of China's bourgeois revolution, with Sun Yat-sen as a representative, is the combination of western humanitarianism thought and bourgeois-democratic revolution in China. The Chinization process of bourgeois humanism thought can be classified as the early publicity, communication, critic, filter and reform of western humanitarian thought. Sun Yat-sen emphasized on people's livelihood and proposed democratic politics, rejected selfishness and regarded the whole world as one community, which enrich the people-oriented connotation and provide important reference for China during its construction of a socialist and harmonious society.  相似文献   
On Schiller's Aesthetics of Drama --His Theory of Comedy
ZHA NG Yu-neng (College of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079) Abstract: Throughout his life Schiller never wrote a comedy or an essay specifically on comedy. His limited discussion of comedy, however, formed the most unique theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics in the history of Western Aesthetics and literary theory. Schiller thinks tragedy ranks higher than comedy in terms of dramatic subject and objectives, but seen from the freedom of representation comedy should be superior to tragedy. Comedy represents the beautiful mind, and helps maintain the freedom of soul, but the comedian pursues an even higher purpose, which, once achieved, will make all tragedies become redundant. Schiller's theories of comedy and comedy aesthetics ended the classical comedy theory which degrades comedy and comedy art, and returned comedy to its due position, sublime purpose and great function. Key words: aesthetics of drama;drama ;comedy ;theory of comedy; aesthetics of comedy  相似文献   
英文教育新课程改革的继续深入对英文课堂教育做出了更高的要求,想要提升英文教育的质量,则需在授课中尽情地发挥同学们的主体地位价值。这篇文章重点从正确平衡教与学的关联点、转换教学理念创设语境、培育同学们的学习兴致以及增强实践教育模块等方面尽可能地发挥学生主体地位的价值,期望可以更进一步地提高英文教育的质素。  相似文献   
一、本刊采用网上投稿系统,不接收电子邮件投稿和纸质投稿,作者投稿请登录http://nysk.njupt.edu.cn。二、来稿要求内容充实,观点新颖,论据可靠,逻辑严密,语言精练流畅。论文篇幅以8000字左右为宜。三、论文题名应准确、简明、恰当地反映文章的特定内容,一般不超过20个汉字。四、摘要须能客观反映论文主要观点,具有独立性和自明性,请勿出现“本文”等主观性文字及对文章的自我评价性语言,字数以250~300字为宜,并提供相应的英文摘要。  相似文献   
新闻标题提纲挈领,概括全篇,以最简约的文字展现新闻中最重要的信息。但是,由于英文标题中使用的英语与日常英语有许多不同之处,初次接触英文报刊文章的人时有不解之处。本文从用词、句法入手,详细剖析英文标题保持简洁的多种技巧、策略,以期帮助读者从报刊中迅速获得所需信息。  相似文献   
第一章总则 第一条本会的名称:中国延安精神研究会。英文译名:THE CHINA YAN’AN SPIRIT RESEARCH SOCIETY缩写CYSRS。  相似文献   
比喻 《华人时刊》2009,(7):22-25
费胜潮的中学生涯是在武汉外国语学校度过的,那时他对航空、船舶、兵器知识产生了浓厚的兴趣。结果不到一年便翻完了学校图书馆里的中文版图书,于是不过瘾的他又找来相关的英文版图书阅读,这在无意中激发了他学英语的热情。很快,费胜潮成为了学校里的英语佼佼者,常常参加校园里举办的英文辩论赛。  相似文献   
拘泥于字面"对等"的英文广告语翻译往往索然寡味,不能实现广告的预期目的.通过实证分析可以发现,较为有效的汉译策略是在熟悉原文背景的基础上,在遣词造句方面运用修辞手法对译文加以锤炼,在广告创意方面摆脱原文束缚另起炉灶,按照目的语文化的要求来重构广告用语,以激发消费者兴趣、扩大公司影响、促进产品销售.  相似文献   
从认知角度看,英语学习过程主要涉及语言输入与输出。语言学习不是抽象的理论学习,而是要解决一个个具体的语言问题,具体的事物、概念、经验等如何表达的问题。当一种语言规则还没有完全内化时,学习者自然会造出许多不符合该语言规范的语句,可见外语学习者出现语言错误是必然的现象。那  相似文献   
近日读《人民日报》,发现报中竖式标题的数字书写十分混乱。大致有以下几种情况:  相似文献   
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