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In 2016, without the knowledge of its citizens, Baltimore City Police deployed a military aerial surveillance technology called Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI), which can track the movements of every person in public view over the entire city. Though the trial of the “spy plane,” as the program was dubbed, quickly ended in scandal, organizers from Baltimore’s low-income minority neighborhoods successfully rebooted the program in 2020, this time framing WAMI partly as a tool of “sousveillance” (watching “from below”) that can track the movements of police officers. The paper shows how organizers “rebranded” WAMI around two conceptions of sousveillance—“citizen-centered” and “state-centered”—creating an unlikely coalition of supporters from both pro- and anti-policing sides of the criminal justice reform debate. But while the renewed program has vowed to be a “Big Brother” to the state, it will continue to be used for traditional surveillance, raising troubling questions about privacy. The article sheds light on the politics of watching and being watched in the era of technology-driven criminal justice reform.  相似文献   
This paper addresses gender differences in the social capital of entrepreneurs in a developing country. Social networks are often an important asset for accessing resources; however, they may also be a liability in developing countries, since entrepreneurs are often expected to support their contacts. Using a recent survey among urban and rural Ugandan entrepreneurs, we focus on the financial resources that entrepreneurs can obtain from their contacts on the one hand, and requests for financial support made to the entrepreneurs from these contacts on the other hand. Our results show that there are gender differences associated with access to, and requests for, financial resources.  相似文献   
习近平“不忘初心、牢记使命”重要论述的生成具有多重逻辑。马克思主义关于无产阶级政党的理论、中国共产党以人民为中心的思想内核是其理论渊源;中国传统民本思想的精髓、以红船精神为源头的革命精神是其文化根基;人民对美好生活的向往、新时代中国特色社会主义任务的严峻性、解决“三个如何”之问的迫切性是其现实要求。  相似文献   
《1844年经济学哲学手稿》和《神圣家族》都是马克思主义创始人早期思想的代表性著作,二者都把“生活”作为重要概念进行论述。从作为经济学哲学概念到作为社会批判概念,马克思主义创始人对“生活”的认识经历了从对物质生产活动的重视到对无产阶级普遍贫困生活的揭露,从分析“生产生活”的异化到对“非人性”生活的批判,从“生活的手段”到消灭“非人性的生活条件”的思想历程。人类的历史是人类生活发展的历史。解决人的美好生活如何实现的问题,在马克思恩格斯的生活思想中居于核心地位,这对当今中国具有重要的理论指导价值。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,从开启一种全新文明的生活形态的高度来理解新时代的美好生活,才能准确把握我国社会主要矛盾变化的深刻意义。  相似文献   
In the change management literature, most studies on recipients' resistance to change include only the views of agents or of recipients, thereby ignoring that these parties may have different perceptions. In this quantitative study, we include the perceptions of both parties in studying the recipients' resistance and the impact of the agent's leadership behavior. In a sample of 117 agent-recipients groupings, covering 110 different change projects in 90 organizations, we found that agents perceive higher levels of recipients' resistance than do the recipients themselves. Additionally, we found that agents who create space to enable recipients to think and act differently (by employing creating behavior) report higher levels of recipients' resistance, whereas recipients perceive their resistance to be lowered when agents facilitate an emotional connection to the change (framing behavior). The depth of the change appeared to moderate the relationship between agent's leadership behavior and recipients' resistance, indicating that agents and recipients differ in which change leadership behaviors they perceive as increasing or decreasing resistance at different levels of change depth. These findings imply to reconsider the relationship between agent and recipients and we propose some promising avenues for future studies in resistance research.  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to adapt and validate the Concern with Acting Prejudiced (CAP) scale for a Spanish sample. This measure evaluates concern about appearing prejudiced to others or oneself and the motivation not to deviate from personal egalitarian standards. First, we completed the translation and an item content validity analysis. Then, in Study 1 (N = 198), we conducted an exploratory factor analysis. In Study 2 (N = 383), we conducted a confirmatory analysis of the unifactorial structure of the Spanish version of the scale and examined its validity. In Study 3 (N = 89), we explored the moderating role of participants’ concern with acting prejudiced in the relation between implicit prejudice and explicit prejudice. The results confirmed the unifactorial structure of the scale, its appropriate psychometric properties and its predictive validity. Moreover, we confirmed that the CAP moderated the relation between implicit and explicit prejudice. In participants with a low concern with acting prejudiced, implicit prejudice was positively related with modern prejudice; in participants with a high concern with acting prejudiced, these variables were not related.  相似文献   
个人信息的保护研究一般基于信息的人身性与财产性为选择保护的路径,却忽略了个人信息的人身依附属性.根据自由主义与社群主义对自我的解释得出个人信息具有个体性与公共性的双重属性.基于此双重属性导致美、德两国在个人信息保护模式上有所区别:美国将个人信息作为隐私权保护外延,显示其对信息个体性的追求;德国利用领域理论将个人信息作为人格尊严的保护客体,显示其对信息公共性的偏向.从法律文化视角比较,两国存在价值取向与隐私认可程度的差异,由此造成对个体性和公共性的不同偏向;两国又因司法谦抑主义与公共安全和个人信息保护的竞争,导致保护限缩的共同趋向.两种保护路径反映不同的法律文化的同时,也体现出两国都重视在立法基础上的宪法审查运用,以此平衡个人信息的个体性与公共性.故我国个人信息保护亦需以“审查”作为个人信息保护的有效方式,并以个体性与公共性的动态平衡作为判断标准.具体审查可以从程序上的公正平衡与实体上的合理平衡两方面进行判断,以此为个人信息提供有效保护.此外,打破个体性与公共性平衡状态的唯一变量只能基于公共利益的考量.  相似文献   
《围城》与《历史人》都是著名校园讽刺小说.其代表人物李梅亭与霍华德·科克都是生活在动荡时期相对平静的大学校园“围城”中的高级知识分子,他们在日常生活中言与行的矛盾、表与里的抵牾,在职场生涯中道貌岸然的显性身份表象与其庸俗无聊、滑稽可笑的隐性角色扮演形成的伦理悖论,无疑具有强烈的喜剧效果和深刻的反讽性质.由于人物所处经济、政治、文化背景不同,其伦理悖论又各具特点,李梅亭身上散发出陈腐的朱熹式伪道学气息,霍华德·科克则是在激进外表下包裹着极端利己主义.李梅亭与霍华德·科克形象蕴含的伦理悖论在知识分子中具有一定典型性,其形象既为历史存照,也对今天重塑大学灵魂、重塑知识分子健全人格具有一定镜鉴意义.  相似文献   
数据时代面临的个人信息受到侵害、个人隐私泄露、算法歧视等一系列重大问题,应将以保护信息主体权利为目的的被遗忘权确立下来。欧美被遗忘权在隐私与自由之间存在的冲突背后所体现的是被遗忘权对于各国需求的重要性,我国现有法律制度中规定的删除权与欧盟所确立的被遗忘权是不能等同的。现行被遗忘权面临着调整对象的设定缺陷、权利内容的设定偏差、责任主体的设定不足三方面的发展困境。学者热议与实践需求在一定程度上表明我国应当引入被遗忘权,并应从调整对象的优化构建、权利内容的改造构建、责任承担的明确构建搭建起中国的路径选择,以解决网络信息社会的发展带给我们的新挑战。  相似文献   
体验式学习的内涵随着时代的发展而逐渐丰富和深化,但无论其如何演变,直接经验和反思始终是体验式学习这一概念的内核。体验式学习理念渗透于美国教育文化之中。具体表现在:小学阶段的教育以学生的真实感知为基础,注重为学生提供真实体验的机会和激发学生的学习兴趣;中学尤其是高中阶段的教育以学生的真实体验为基础,注重为学生提供在新情境中检验所学知识的机会,注重学生知识、技能的内化吸收。美国中小学体验式学习的实施经验可为我国基础教育课程改革提供如下启示:(1)进一步树立和推广体验式学习理念;(2)创设学生进行真实体验的教学环境;(3)注重实施基于学生体验式学习的表现性评价。  相似文献   
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