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核技术应用一般是指射线技术与射线装置在医疗、工农业、地质调查、研究与教育中的应用。我国核技术应用企业研发骨干激励存在着激励的创新导向不足、薪酬激励机制不合理、组织文化有欠缺等问题,需结合行业特点及核技术应用企业研发骨干激励的特殊要求,采取相应的激励对策,包括从核心能力出发研究激励问题、建立适于激励研发人员的能力工资制、注重职业发展激励、注重责任激励、建立激发创新活力的组织文化等。  相似文献   
BackgroundSupporting women to continue breastfeeding is a global challenge. The Milky Way Program is an effective face to face intervention to increase breastfeeding rates up to six months postpartum. The sustainability and access to the Milky Way Program could be enhanced by transforming it into a mobile application allowing women to access relevant information from their own place at a convenient time.AimTo explore the process of transforming the Milky Way Program into an acceptable and usable mobile health application.MethodStakeholders including multidisciplinary researchers and end-users designed the application based on the Milky Way Program by using Persuasive System Design principles. A mixed-method approach was used in the development and evaluation process. Seven women were recruited through convenience sampling to pilot test the application. The women’s feedback was collected through an online survey six weeks after birth and individual interviews at four months postpartum.FindingsWomen in the pilot study reported that the breastfeeding application was well designed, easy to use, interactive, reassuring and evidence-based with credible sources of information.ConclusionThe Persuasive System Design model combined with end-user engagement can feasibly inform the development of an acceptable and usable mobile health application for breastfeeding based on a proven clinical intervention. Further rigorous testing is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the application on breastfeeding initiation and duration.  相似文献   
我国地方立法权随着2015年《立法法》的修改扩至所有设区的市,随之掀起地方立法热潮。但目前地方立法的质量普遍不高,存在诸多问题,人工智能技术的应用能为地方立法开辟新路径。基于互联网及大数据的人工智能,能被应用于资料检索、立项论证、立法公开与意见征集、辅助草案起草、立法后评估与备案审查。与此同时,当人工智能被应用于地方立法工作时,需要确立“辅助原则”,规范人工智能地方立法程序的选用标准,限制人工智能地方立法程序的算法,以此来规制人工智能带来的不利影响。  相似文献   
随着数字版权时代的发展,作品的传播方式变得更加灵活,传播速度也更加迅捷。传统版权登记制度因存在登记成本较高、标准不一、泄露隐私等弊端,在实际应用中面临困境,区块链技术的出现为推动版权登记的适时发展提供了一种新思路。区块链技术应用于版权登记,其去中心化特质可以降低登记成本;分布式共享机制能够统一登记标准;难以篡改的性质能够提高登记的证明效力;弥补了既有版权登记制度的缺陷。同时,区块链技术利用自身特性建立新的版权信任机制,既能清晰地分配版权利益,又能创新传统的版权商业模式,推动版权市场的发展,最大化地利用版权的固有价值。区块链技术在与版权登记相结合的过程中,会出现一些技术上难以解决的问题,既无法对作品的独创性进行准确的判断,也无法发挥版权制度原有的公示力作用。因此,必须创新版权登记规则,加快制定区块链版权平台市场准入机制,并设置统一的监管机构,将区块链锁在版权制度的笼子里,防止出现滥用区块链技术的情形,以最终实现技术和法律的融合发展。  相似文献   
为提高土木工程专业学生的英语应用能力和《土木工程专业英语》课程的教学效果,本次教改实践以OBE(成果导向教育)教育理念为教改指导思想,以土木工程专业英语教学为教改对象,设计了土木工程专业英语教学的教学内容、教学组织和教学评价等教学环节,在河北工程大学土木工程专业学生中进行了教改实践。教改实践结果表明,基于OBE的土木工程专业英语教学模式在提升土木工程专业学生英语应用能力方面具有很好的效果。本次教改实践的成果值得本校其他工科专业和其他兄弟院校借鉴。  相似文献   
培养研究生爱国担当之志是研究生教育的根本,是科研育人的生动体现,是落实全国高校思想政治工作会议精神与全国研究生教育会议精神的核心。以材料领域研究生培养为例,探讨需求牵引课题激发与培养研究生爱国担当之志的路径与成效。结合自主创新研究成果与航天迫切需求,激发学生奉献与担当之志,立志为我国航天强国事业贡献青春与力量,担当时代赋予的重任。实现将科学研究与思想引领有机融合,引导学生建立主动将个人成长与国家发展和中华民族伟大复兴相结合的信念,培养学生既具有过硬材料创新本领,又具有自信、爱国、奉献、担当意识,为中国特色社会主义现代化建设培养德才兼备的材料领域创新拔尖领军人才。  相似文献   
政府公信力是政府凭籍自身信用赢得公众信任的能力,十六大以来,党在施政理念上强调"以人为本",在执政行为上关注"民生";在绩效上彰显公平正义,施政方略渗透着人文关怀因素,政府公信力得到了有效提升。但由于腐败现象没有得到有效控制,党风廉政与制度化建设相对滞后,政府公信力也受到了冲击。在新一代领导集体治国理政中,"改革"成为新的常态,防腐败斗争与党风廉政建设取得了伟大成就,政府公信力的重振业已开启。  相似文献   
文章主要研究非体育新闻报道对体育用语使用,并分析这种跨界运用的原因和产生的效果。体育用语的泛化和体育用语中存在大量具有隐喻性特征的词语是导致体育用语被日益广泛地运用到其他领域的主要原因。其中在新闻报道中体育用语的跨界运用较多,这既丰富了新闻报道的内容,又促进了当今语言的融合。  相似文献   
ProblemWomen need improved emotional support from healthcare professionals following miscarriage.BackgroundSignificant psychological morbidity can result following miscarriage and may be exacerbated by poor support experiences. Women frequently report high levels of dissatisfaction with healthcare support at this time.AimThis study was developed to pilot a survey aimed at exploring women’s access to healthcare services and support at the time of miscarriage.MethodsWomen over 18 years, residing in Australia, who had experienced a miscarriage in the past two years completed a 29-item online survey.FindingsA total of 399 women completed the survey. Two key findings arose: 1) More than half of women (59%) were not offered any information about miscarriage or pregnancy loss support organisations or referral/access to counselling services at the time of miscarriage, despite almost all reporting they would have liked various forms of support from items listed 2) More than half (57%) did not receive follow up care, or emotional support at this time, beyond being asked how they were coping emotionally. Other findings showed 3) Women accessed various healthcare services at the time of miscarriage and 4) Women often saw a general practitioner at the time of miscarriage despite having a private obstetrician.ConclusionThere is clear mismatch between the support women want at the time of miscarriage and the care they receive from healthcare professionals. Despite considerable structural barriers, it seems likely there is scope within healthcare professionals’ usual practice for improved support care through simple measures such as increased acknowledgement, information provision and referral to existing support services.  相似文献   
《监察法》的出台标志着监察制度改革的成果在法律层次上的确认,是国家在政治体制上进行顶层设计的一件大事。“一府一委两院”的政治新格局初步形成,深化监察制度改革依然是健全完善国家监督体系的重要路径。监察委员会的出现不同以往政治体制的改革,使行政监察迈向国家监察,监察制度实现了质的飞跃,其人事管理和“超级机关”的潜在威胁是不容忽视的。基于法治建设中具有普适价值的独立性与权力制约两原则,从人才选拔、人事培养到人事考核探索监察委员会的人事管理,从党的领导和外部机关约束监督的视角思量监察委员会的被监督问题。  相似文献   
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