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文章分析了AR(1)模型中模型参数(序列方差、模型回归系数、序列的自协方差函数、自相关系数以及误差方差)估计(矩估计和最小二乘估计)的无偏性.对于非独立随机向量二次型的商的估计(如自相关系数估计等),给出了其偏差表达式并提供了相应的数值解法.通过数据模拟分析考察了这些参数估计的偏度情况.  相似文献   

本文将2006年研究生数学建模竞赛进一步讨论,对于观测数据不准确的情况,先将模型转化为差分形式,用最小二乘估计方法对参数进行估计,当设计矩阵呈病态时,最小二乘估计变的不是很精确。为了提高参数估计的精确度,笔者提出了一种改进方法,对迭代矩阵进行Jacobi迭代预处理,再用最小二乘法进行求解,仿真结果表明预处理后的参数估计更为准确。  相似文献   

将空间滞后项引入面板平滑转换模型,构建了空间滞后面板平滑转换模型,通过综合应用拟极大似然法和非线性最小二乘法,构造了该模型的参数估计方法,并通过蒙特卡洛数值模拟探讨了参数估计方法的小样本性质;数值模拟结果显示,提出的估计方法在小样本条件下表现良好,参数估计值随着样本容量的增大而收敛到参数的真值。  相似文献   

纵向数据是一类重要的相关性数据,广泛出现在诸多科研领域。单指标模型是多元非参数回归中重要的降维方法,在纵向数据下研究单指标模型是统计研究的热点问题。针对纵向数据单指标模型,提出惩罚改进二次推断函数方法来讨论模型的参数和非参数估计问题。该方法利用多项式样条回归方法逼近模型中的未知联系函数,将联系函数的估计转化为回归样条系数的估计,然后构造关于样条回归系数和单指标系数的惩罚改进二次推断函数,最小化惩罚改进二次推断函数便可得到模型的估计。理论结果显示,估计结果具有相合性和渐近正态性,最后得到了较好的数值模拟结果和实例数据分析结果,结果显示该方法适用于半参数纵向模型的参数和非参数估计问题。  相似文献   

线性GMDH参数模型的无偏估计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲁茂  贺昌政  李慧 《统计研究》2009,26(6):92-97
 多元线性回归分析中,参数无偏性是参数估计方法的一个重要指标。本文对线性GMDH参数模型建立多元线性模型进行了研究,得到以下结论:一,在满足经典线性回归模型的假设条件下,其参数估计量具有无偏的性质;二,在满足其它假设条件下,可以在样本量少于待估参数的情况下建模,估计的参数也是无偏的;三,用参数GMHD方法建模时,它对完全多重共线性是免疫的。  相似文献   

约束条件下部分变系数模型的参数估计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章讨论部分变系数模型在线性约束条件r=Rβ下的参数估计问题,给出了参数部分β的相合估计(β)Rls和非参数部分(α)(u)的估计(α)(u),得到了估计的渐近性质.  相似文献   

利用分位数回归方法,讨论了非参数固定效应Panel Data模型的估计和检验问题,得到了参数估计的渐近正态性及收敛速度。同时,建立一个秩得分(rank score)统计量来检验模型的固定效应,并证明了这个统计量渐近服从标准正态分布。  相似文献   

空间回归模型由于引入了空间地理信息而使得其参数估计变得复杂,因为主要采用最大似然法,致使一般人认为在空间回归模型参数估计中不存在最小二乘法。通过分析空间回归模型的参数估计技术,研究发现,最小二乘法和最大似然法分别用于估计空间回归模型的不同的参数,只有将两者结合起来才能快速有效地完成全部的参数估计。数理论证结果表明,空间回归模型参数最小二乘估计量是最佳线性无偏估计量。空间回归模型的回归参数可以在估计量为正态性的条件下而实施显著性检验,而空间效应参数则不可以用此方法进行检验。  相似文献   

文章在平方损失下研究三参数BurrI分布族形状参数的经验贝叶斯(EB)估计的渐近性。在先验分布形式未知的情况下,采用非参数估计方法导出了BurrI分布族形状参数的贝叶斯(Bayes)估计,利用历史样本采用密度函数核估计方法,构造了边缘密度函数及其导函数的估计,将它们代入Bayes估计式中,得到了形状参数的EB估计。在一定的条件下,证明所得到的EB估计具有渐近性,其收敛速度为n-γ(s-1)(δ-2)/δ(2s+1)。文章还举例说明满足定理条件的参数的先验分布是存在的。  相似文献   

二重AR(1)模型是普通AR(1)模型的非线性化,也可看作是RCAR(1)模型的进一步推广。由于二重AR(1)模型比较复杂,传统参数估计方法难以估计其参数,本文提出采用MCMC方法来估计其参数。  相似文献   

Covariate adjusted regression (CAR) is a recently proposed adjustment method for regression analysis where both the response and predictors are not directly observed [?entürk, D., Müller, H.G., 2005. Covariate adjusted regression. Biometrika 92, 75–89]. The available data have been distorted by unknown functions of an observable confounding covariate. CAR provides consistent estimators for the coefficients of the regression between the variables of interest, adjusted for the confounder. We develop a broader class of partial covariate adjusted regression (PCAR) models to accommodate both distorted and undistorted (adjusted/unadjusted) predictors. The PCAR model allows for unadjusted predictors, such as age, gender and demographic variables, which are common in the analysis of biomedical and epidemiological data. The available estimation and inference procedures for CAR are shown to be invalid for the proposed PCAR model. We propose new estimators and develop new inference tools for the more general PCAR setting. In particular, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators and propose consistent estimators of their asymptotic variances. Finite sample properties of the proposed estimators are investigated using simulation studies and the method is also illustrated with a Pima Indians diabetes data set.  相似文献   

Efficient inference for regression models requires that the heteroscedasticity be taken into account. We consider statistical inference under heteroscedasticity in a semiparametric measurement error regression model, in which some covariates are measured with errors. This paper has multiple components. First, we propose a new method for testing the heteroscedasticity. The advantages of the proposed method over the existing ones are that it does not need any nonparametric estimation and does not involve any mismeasured variables. Second, we propose a new two-step estimator for the error variances if there is heteroscedasticity. Finally, we propose a weighted estimating equation-based estimator (WEEBE) for the regression coefficients and establish its asymptotic properties. Compared with existing estimators, the proposed WEEBE is asymptotically more efficient, avoids undersmoothing the regressor functions and requires less restrictions on the observed regressors. Simulation studies show that the proposed test procedure and estimators have nice finite sample performance. A real data set is used to illustrate the utility of our proposed methods.  相似文献   

The problem of making statistical inference about θ =P(X > Y) has been under great investigation in the literature using simple random sampling (SRS) data. This problem arises naturally in the area of reliability for a system with strength X and stress Y. In this study, we will consider making statistical inference about θ using ranked set sampling (RSS) data. Several estimators are proposed to estimate θ using RSS. The properties of these estimators are investigated and compared with known estimators based on simple random sample (SRS) data. The proposed estimators based on RSS dominate those based on SRS. A motivated example using real data set is given to illustrate the computation of the newly suggested estimators.  相似文献   

In survey sampling, interest often centres on inference for the population total using information about an auxiliary variable. The variance of the estimator used plays a key role in such inference. This study develops a new set of higher‐order constraints for the calibration of estimators of variance for various estimators of the population total. The proposed strategy requires an appropriate model for describing the relationship between the response and auxiliary variable, and the variance of the auxiliary variable. It is therefore referred to as a model‐assisted approach. Several new estimators of variance, including the higher‐order calibration estimators of the variance of the ratio and regression estimators suggested by Singh, Horn & Yu and Sitter & Wu are special cases of the proposed technique. The paper presents and discusses the results of an empirical study to compare the performance of the proposed estimators and existing counterparts.  相似文献   

We consider estimating the mode of a response given an error‐prone covariate. It is shown that ignoring measurement error typically leads to inconsistent inference for the conditional mode of the response given the true covariate, as well as misleading inference for regression coefficients in the conditional mode model. To account for measurement error, we first employ the Monte Carlo corrected score method (Novick & Stefanski, 2002) to obtain an unbiased score function based on which the regression coefficients can be estimated consistently. To relax the normality assumption on measurement error this method requires, we propose another method where deconvoluting kernels are used to construct an objective function that is maximized to obtain consistent estimators of the regression coefficients. Besides rigorous investigation on asymptotic properties of the new estimators, we study their finite sample performance via extensive simulation experiments, and find that the proposed methods substantially outperform a naive inference method that ignores measurement error. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 262–280; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The article presents the Bayesian inference for the parameters of randomly censored Burr-type XII distribution with proportional hazards. The joint conjugate prior of the proposed model parameters does not exist; we consider two different systems of priors for Bayesian estimation. The explicit forms of the Bayes estimators are not possible; we use Lindley's method to obtain the Bayes estimates. However, it is not possible to obtain the Bayesian credible intervals with Lindley's method; we suggest the Gibbs sampling procedure for this purpose. Numerical experiments are performed to check the properties of the different estimators. The proposed methodology is applied to a real-life data for illustrative purposes. The Bayes estimators are compared with the Maximum likelihood estimators via numerical experiments and real data analysis. The model is validated using posterior predictive simulation in order to ascertain its appropriateness.  相似文献   

Empirical-likelihood based inference for the parameters in a generalized partially linear single-index models (GPLSIM) is investigated. Based on the local linear estimators of the nonparametric parts of the GPLSIM, an estimated empirical likelihood-based statistic of the parametric components is proposed. We show that the resulting statistic is asymptotically standard chi-squared distributed, the confidence regions for the parametric components are constructed. Some simulations are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

In the presence of univariate censoring, a class of nonparametric estimators is proposed for linear functionals of a bivariate distribution of paired failure times. The estimators are shown to be root-n consistent and asymptotically normal. An adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is developed and proved to follow a chi-square distribution asymptotically. Two types of confidence intervals, based on the normal approximation method and the empirical likelihood method, respectively, are constructed to make inference about the linear functionals. Their performance is evaluated in several simulation studies and a real example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a consistent method of estimation for the parameters of the three-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution. We then discuss some properties of these estimators and show by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study that the proposed estimators perform better than some other prominent estimators in terms of bias and root mean squared error. Finally, we present two real-life examples to illustrate the method of inference developed here.  相似文献   

Varying coefficient partially linear models are usually used for longitudinal data analysis, and an interest is mainly to improve efficiency of regression coefficients. By the orthogonality estimation technology and the quadratic inference function method, we propose a new orthogonality-based estimation method to estimate parameter and nonparametric components in varying coefficient partially linear models with longitudinal data. The proposed procedure can separately estimate the parametric and nonparametric components, and the resulting estimators do not affect each other. Under some mild conditions, we establish some asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators. Furthermore, the finite sample performance of the proposed procedure is assessed by some simulation experiments.  相似文献   

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