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西方哲学史上,自笛卡尔至胡塞尔的认识论范式内,对主观意识如何认识外物的认识论难题,有四种不同的解决方式:实在论、内在观念论、先验观念论以及先验现象学。胡塞尔1906年首次提出了认识批判,它来自康德但又在其先验现象学框架内对康德作了批判。因胡塞尔仍在笛卡尔的认识论范式内,其先验现象学的问题亦受这一认识方式本身的局限。海德格尔提出切近物的首要方式不再是人的理性认识,而是此在的非理性的、情绪性的生存体验的基础存在论,使他走出了认识论框架,建立了新的心与物的关系范式,实现了问题的“范式转换”。  相似文献   
哲学为科学奠基是西方哲学的一个传统。自古希腊哲学以来,传统意义上的形而上学一直起着为科学奠基的作用。但是,随着本体论向认识论的转向,各门具体科学从形而上学的母体中脱离出来而导致哲学虚无化,心理主义逐渐成为各门具体科学的基础。反心理主义和心理主义的斗争在认识论领域内几乎始终相伴而行,康德就站在反心理主义的立场,试图重建形而上学。但是康德对心理主义的批判是不彻底的,心理主义发展的势头非但没有减弱,反而在近代达到了空前的繁荣。对心理主义批判的工作由胡塞尔完成,他论证逻辑学的基础不是心理主义,致力于构建一门纯粹逻辑学,重构了哲学对科学的奠基作用。  相似文献   

This interpretative study explores the experiences of Taiwanese female clerical workers as they deal with office politics. A hermeneutical phenomenology is used to describe and interpret the participants' experiences. The study shows that powerlessness and frustration result from: (1) structural barriers; (2) behavioral barriers; and (3) accommodation and rationalization. This study has implications for research and practice in international area of women's studies and for the field of international career development education.  相似文献   
This paper uses phenomenology to explore recent representations of inaccessible architectural environment featured on major Bulgarian television channels. It is argued that by exposing the environmental restrictions faced by disabled people in their everyday activities, Bulgarian media unwittingly engage in an operation described by formalist literary critics as ‘defamiliarization’. As a result, familiar elements of the everyday, lived world are illuminated as strange. In phenomenological terms, this brings about the experience of ‘uncanniness’. The paper concludes by highlighting the transformative potential inherent in this experience; that is, its power to illuminate as artificial and oppressive the taken-for-granted aspects of the world we inhabit.  相似文献   

A growing number of mid- and later life individuals and families are experiencing divorce and remarriage. Mid- and later life families are those who have begun to or may have launched their adult children. As a result, these families may include in-laws and grandchildren. Limited research has addressed the potentially unique experiences of these families whose lives are made more complex and complicated by divorce, remarriage, or both. The purpose of this article is to examine, from a phenomenological perspective, the lived experiences of individuals and families experiencing divorce in mid- and later life. In so doing, four case studies are presented that represent four common pathways through divorce and remarriage in mid- and later life: career divorced, seasoned divorced, newly divorced, and interrupted career divorced. Using these case studies and our interpretation of them based on a phenomenological approach, we offer implications for family life educators for improving the delivery of educational services to families facing mid- and later life divorce and remarriage.  相似文献   
出于对当时哲学现状的不满,海德格尔重新界定了哲学。他根据"问题体验"区分了"理论的东西"与"前理论的东西",认为哲学真正的研究对象是"前理论的东西";而要考察"前理论的东西"就要摒弃"普遍化"方法而采用"形式指引"方法。在此基础上,海德格尔提出了"实际性的解释学现象学",这是对狄尔泰的生命哲学和胡塞尔现象学的超越,但"形式指引"作为一种方法也不可避免地带有理论化特征,因而最终为海德格尔所放弃。  相似文献   
近二十年来,两种与“羞”有关的心理现象引起国内心理学工作者的积极关注,这便是羞怯与羞耻.羞怯与羞耻虽然有一定的关联性,但从本质上考量却是两个相互独立的概念,存在着诸多的差异,这些差异主要表现在词义、概念的界定、现象学表征、产生的机制、社会功能等几个方面.  相似文献   
主体间性是胡塞尔的现象学的一个创新的概念,它是为了克服现象学的本质还原方法可能造成的主观主义弊端,以保证人的认识的客观普遍有效性,具有唯心主义实质.以主体间性来审视文学艺术的创作和欣赏,却可以打破主客对立的思维方法,充分揭示文学艺术创作和欣赏活动的对话性质和交流特征,使得文学艺术作品的意义具有开放性和不确定性,打破了相反传统文学思想的封闭性和固定性.但是,主体间性也使得文学艺术思想走向了后现代主义的虚无主义.  相似文献   
普利策文学奖得主、美国当代著名先锋派作家保罗·奥斯特的小说《在地图结束的地方》以后现代主义为语境展现了当代人的存在危机,现象学批评之父胡塞尔的“悬置”理论则为解读这部小说提供了贴切的视角。在小说中,地理疆域、宗教道义、时间空间等客观存在被纷纷悬置,存在的异质性同时得以还原,从而凸显出了作者的本体意识和文本语义的无限多样性。  相似文献   
As a kind of transcendental philosophy,phenomenology is being naturalized.On the one hand,phenomenology can provide some useful insights for cognitive science,psychology etc.;on the other hand,phenomenology needs to learn necessary knowledge from empirical sciences to supplement itself.Therefore,to insist on the rigorous demarcation between transcendental philosophy and empirical sciences is mistimed.When naturalized through communication with empirical sciences,however,phenomenology should also keep its special disciplinary methodology and characteristics.  相似文献   
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