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中古道教仙传中,"食桃修仙"母题的产生有其相应的时代背景和文化背景。在探究该母题产生的基础上,从内外两方面分析了"桃"被仙化的多重原因。就外因而言,桃被仙化与神仙信仰的广泛流传有关。就内因而言,桃被仙化与桃特殊丰富的文化内涵紧密相连。进而以"食王母桃"这一母题为中心梳理"食桃修仙"母题的流变。该母题的流变与桃被赋予的神效和异形密切相关,由此导致"食桃修仙"母题呈现出神异浪漫的美学风格。  相似文献   
《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)是亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)经典文学作品,已经成为美国文学宝库中的经典之作。中国译者徐迟首先将其译入国内,译名为《瓦尔登湖》。此后不断出现译者和译本,《瓦尔登湖》一度重译,频繁出版。进入21世纪以来,我国出现了重译《瓦尔登湖》的热潮,这也引起了学术界和翻译界对《瓦尔登湖》汉译本的关注。通过将徐迟译本作为研究对象,从翻译美学新视角切入,对《瓦尔登湖》译文之美进行解构,分析其中作为变量的美学因子,以期为研究《瓦尔登湖》做出一点贡献。  相似文献   
应用于交易领域的智能合约融入区块链技术,以代码形式表现,可实现合同履行的自动化和不可逆,超越了传统意义上的合同模式.自助行为说、代理说将智能合约视为对合同过程的外部增强,是侧面功能的法律阐释,并未完全捕捉到实质.智能合约并不一定跨越整个合同过程,也可仅是合同过程某个方面或某个阶段.法律意义上的智能合约不是合同新类型,而是合同关系形式的新发展,即当事人缔结和履行合同的新形式,合同性质未发生实质变化.智能合约满足特定要件构成特殊的书面形式,具有"书面形式+自动履行"功能的特质.民事主体通过智能合约形式订立合同应遵守《民法典》等现行法律的具体规则,以保证合同依法成立与生效.智能合约不等同于具有法律效力的合同,认定其效力应结合智能合约应用中的具体问题展开具体分析.从立法上确认智能合约,在符合国家现有法律、政策基础上编写和应用,实现形式的合法化、内容的规范化是该技术谋求长远发展的保障.技术起步的现阶段,纸质合同、一般电子合同与智能合约在不同方面发挥协作作用,会在未来一段时间内成为民事交往、商业交易的主要状态.  相似文献   
汉字作为一种书写形体,笔画组合的丰富多样和间架结构的灵活多变,而使其“字形”成为复杂的美学构成,“书写”成为“书法”,并完成从造字到造形的转变。书法是汉字书写艺术,书法艺术深藏于汉字独特的形体结构之中。三位一体的整体架构、二维方块结体、平衡对称等汉字在形体构造上的诗性特征,既是人们对文字形体的一种审美预期,也是书法学家在书法创作时努力追求的美感。  相似文献   
邢崇 《民族学刊》2020,11(4):52-58, 129-130
传统藏戏将教化性和审美性融合统一,形成了具有无限延展的审美空间,被藏民族一代代接受和传承。传统藏戏的多种元素彼此之间相互对抗、冲突和矛盾,形成具有张力的审美空间和强大的审美冲击力,使接受者产生共鸣,在艺术的审美中获得精神的洗礼。在传统藏戏中,主客体巨大反差产生崇高美,体现出藏民不屈的超越精神,以及克服和战胜恐惧后的心灵慰藉和平静;传统藏戏采用佛教逻辑叙述故事,集中体现藏民的人生姿态和精神信仰以及对于真善美的认知和追求,凸显世俗的人性美;藏戏以美的艺术形式和程序化的艺术表演再现普通大众的味与情,形成独具特色的审美情感和审美趣味,最终达到宗教教化的目的;藏戏中戏师的理性讲述与演员的感性表演形成对照,让受众游走于理性与感性之间,对于人物与情节有了更加深刻的感性认知和理性反思;藏戏重复与回环的情节设置使故事情节发展更曲折,人物形象更丰满,主题思想更鲜明,形成了复调之美。  相似文献   
本体诗歌翻译理论主要探讨译文与原文在形式与内容上的关系。译文与原文应该达到形似还是神似,译者应该求真还是求美,这是翻译界一直争论的话题。按照“形似与神似,求真与求美”的关系来分析江枫先生对艾米莉·狄金森的两首诗歌“暴风雨夜”和“篱笆那边”的翻译,可以看出,标点符号、遣词、诗歌的韵式和诗人的创作风格等方面体现了江枫译文的特点和风格:译文选词简单但富有张力,行文简约而内敛,与原诗风格颇似;但由于过于追求简约而稍显生硬和晦涩。总之,江枫的译文是形似与神似结合的典范,体现其“形似而后神似”的主张以及“简约而忠实”的风格,但并未完全实现“求真与求美”的完美结合。  相似文献   
“边地影像”是边疆少数民族民众纪录自身的非虚构创作。在朗西埃“可感性的分配”美学理论视野下,边地影像体现了题材选择的一视同仁和人性的解放,以平等维度的引入开拓了其艺术与政治价值。透过“自我他者化”的艺术操作,它改变边地的可感性的分配秩序。“客位视角”到“主位视角”和“参与拍摄”到“独立创作”的过渡所释放的乡野表达,成为评测其诗学力量的关键质素。同时,围绕“差异性”展开的影像再现常常导向“微小差异的自恋”,并在言语的过度中营造了某种“圣化构想”,进而使其差异政治悖论性地生成了新的可感性不平等。  相似文献   

This paper engages with the study of the aesthetic as an embodied form and offers a critique of the study of value and commodification that emerges in the global spatial imagination. I explore the neglected interrelationship between cultural-spatial reconstruction and land ownership as a sign of livelihood by way of a critique of development and through an investigation of the multiple traces of colonialism in Indonesia in contemporary times, after the massacres. First, land is taken from communities to be used for state and corporate industrialization, and then aesthetic acts of resistance and remembrance by members of these communities, via artistic productions and protest, are commoditized as touristic attractions by the state as a form of nationalism and fetishism of the indigenous, and by corporations as a form of corporate cultural responsibility. This new method of capitalist inclusion of the survivor in a globalized project of aestheticizing space is a neoliberal tactic in which the commoditized reappearance of the aesthetic creations of the marginalized is not, in fact, a sign of inclusion but rather of further displacement. My study follows the focus of this special issue to analyse cultural production within the complexity of multiple and converging colonial forms in historical and contemporary contexts considering the relationality, contradictions and incommensurabilities generated within converging structures of colonial and racialized violence. I locate the ways in which artistic projects within this schema may be used as acts of resistance but also possibly co-optation/ domination. Aesthetic creations intended as means of archiving may also bring insurrections into the paradigm of globalization and to its attention. This paper is an attempt to look at how the creative urge negates and also creates the possibility of resistance, inviting us to urgently rethink aesthetic projects and their representation through a genealogy of global participation.  相似文献   
文章结合常见训练特点,分析了健美操在有氧活动促进心肺功能、协调运动、力量训练、柔韧训练、实践比赛、个体抗压等方面对学生形体产生的影响,为进一步强化学生身体素质提供理论参考意见。  相似文献   
The current study examined parental advice given to fourth‐ and fifth‐grade preadolescents who imagined being bystanders to different forms of bullying (physical, verbal, property attack, social manipulation, exclusion). We assessed the frequency with which parents advised youth to follow specific intervention strategies (stop the bully, help/comfort the victim, tell adults), and we tested whether the frequency by which parents provided each kind of advice varied by the form of bullying described. One hundred and six fourth‐ and fifth‐grade preadolescents completed an interaction in which their parent gave them advice about how to respond if they were bystanders to five hypothetical bullying situations. Each situation described a different form of bullying. Across forms of bullying, parents most frequently told bystander children to intervene by telling an adult. However, advice differed based on the form of bullying presented. Parents most frequently advised children to “tell an adult” in response to physical bullying or property attacks, most frequently advised children to “help/comfort victims” in response to social exclusion and physical attacks, and most frequently advised children to “stop the bully” in response to verbal and social manipulation bullying.  相似文献   
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